Chapter 2

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At the library, Morraine is sitting beside Ester. Ester is reading a book while Morraine is writing a poem.

Ester look at her a while then turn back to focus on her book " Are you done? I almost finish my third storybook."

Morraine nod her head. She frown when she look at it. "It doesn't turn great."

"Well, you can read it first. " She flip the next page and said. "I can see where are the mistake."

Morraine look at it and read to Ester :

Tell me why, girl

You such a impulse to gone

Everyone are filling with tears

Having a memories that hard to forget

Are you feeling fine

When you running your problem?

Do you feeling better

When you walk away from us?

I can tell you girl

Even there's a problem

There will be a solution

Put your mind at ease

And you will relieve

But you don't

You gone

Tell me


When Morraine finish up, she turn to look at Ester. She seems speechless about it. She then close the book and said " It isn't rhyming. But you can be more better. "

"I know." Morraine is sigh. Ester is handing those books and look at her. She then go to a near bookshelf to put those books into their right place.

"After you read your poem, I know you still miss her. "

".... Usually, she is the person who enjoy my poems and rhymes."

"I understand your feeling. That's sound tragedy." Ester go back to her seat and said. 

" Mor, sometimes you need to put it aside. She doesn't want to see you like that. "

"Take a breath. Everything will be fine." Morraine take a deep breath and relax.

Morraine stand up. She look to Ester and smile " I hope she heard what I write. " Ester nod.

"Let's go, you must be hungry since you stay here a long time."

They leave the library and Ester lock the door.

Hadley, Isla and Jasper are ended their extracurricular activity. They are queue for their turn to receive their food.

"I want a bacon sandwich. Thanks." Hadley point at it to let him know.

"Oh! I want a strawberry cake and a bacon sandwich too!" Isla look at those various food and said.

"You sure eat a lot." Hadley look at her and said. Isla just smile and doesn't answer her. Jasper is taking a bowl of porridge and pay for it at the counter.

Hadley and Isla notice he keep sniffing, sneezing and his nose is watery.

" You caught a cold, why so sudden?" Hadley look at him and ask.

He is sniffing " Nah, I think is because yesterday. It was raining cats and dogs and we don't bought umbrella! As a result, we forced go back to the dormitory in the rain. "

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