Chapter 6

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At the afternoon, Morraine awake and look where she is. She find out she is back in the nurse office. At the same time, Kyler finally awake in the nurse office too.

He look around to see what happens. Morraine, at his side go near him to see is he fine.

" Do you feeling better?" She ask worried. Kyler just nod his head.

"You hurt so bad, why are you become like that?" Thomas said.

" Just a little bit. That is fine." He said.

Thomas frown, " You are definitely not." He took up a piece of paper from his pocket and give him a look.

Kyler then grab and see it. He surprise and ask him immediately " How do you know?"

" Just now. " Thomas sigh and look at him " Kyler, you can't hide from us. We know you are in a serious situation."

"... ..." He bound down his head and doesn't give any reaction. Pamela said " Ya. I was shocked when I saw your whole upper body are bruises! This is quite scary, you know."

"We are here for you, Kyler. " Morraine smile at him.

Kyler know he can't hide from all of them anymore. He clear his throat, start to talk the situation he is now.

After they finish hearing his story, Hadley stand up angrily " That's rude! How could they do this to you?!"

"Calm down, Hadley. " Isla grab her hand to sit down. Hadley cross her arm as she is still angry.

" What about we just tell the teacher or principal about it?" Pamela look at them and see what they think.

Nicholas is lying on the bed with a fan beside him. " Uh... Principal seems don't care..."

" We could just beat them! Who afraid of them?" Hadley is clenching her fist. Isla shake her head, refuse to let her do this " Cannot, we can't do that. This just let us same like them."

" Hm... We just need to advice or scare them! So next time they will don't do it again! Haha!" Jasper telling them an advice.

Thomas nod. " I agree with Jasper. What do you guys think?"

Hadley and Isla also nod their head " Yeah, maybe this is helpful for those bastard."

Slowly, most of the people agree of him and take his advice.

Pamela turn at him and ask " What about you, Nicholas? Only you haven't said anything."

"Oh, me? Of course I also agree. " Nicholas turn back at them after looking outside the window.

Kyler finally smile and thank them " Thank you... But I think you guys doesn't need to do it. "

"Why?" All of them ask.

Kyler scratching his face with his finger, a bit embarssing to say " I... It doesn't really matter. I am just fine."

Thomas pat at his shoulder and said to him " Stop giving any excuses, Kyler. We just need you to feel better than before."

Kyler smile and nod.


At the next day, Three boys are eating popsicle sticks together at the back of the cafeteria.

"Aha! Found you all!" Hadley's loud voice shock the three of them. Harry drop his popsicle on the ground and it make him furious.

He stand up and point at them " Hey! Who are you all?"

" We are his friend. I think you shouldn't need us to tell you who is the " his" ?" Morraine cross her arm and stare at them.

The three boys laugh when look at them. " Friends? Do he have any friends? I don't think you all are his truly his friends! "

" Hey, we didn't do anything! You guys can just leave here!" Tom motion all of them to leave.

" You jerk! You all beating him nearly death! His body is black and blue just because of you! He is gonna die if we all don't rescue him! You all need to pay for this!"

Tom walk toward Thomas and scold " So what? Wanna fight? See who can win at the end?"

Hadley is angry and point at him " We will! Do you think we don't have this courage do this, huh?"

" Oh, girl. I know you." Harry turn to face at her. " You are the girl who in the black list. I still remember the day you being call by the headmaster at the first day of school."

" I don't beat girl. But..." He look all over her body and smile. " You look nice! It is good if we guys "play" with you!"

Soon, he tear Hadley's cloth immediately. Hadley is screaming when she saw it. Isla want to grab her but she is holding by Harry.

Jasper is furious, he go toward him and punch his face. Harry stare at him.

" You beat me?!!" He become upset. Harry and the two others then go ahead to beat those guys.

" Ha! I film it all of it!" Pamela shout at them. " I later tell the principal about it. Everyone will see what you do to us!!!"

" Don't you dare?!" The boy rush to her to steal her phone and delate it. However, he cannot catch her phone as she run away quickly from him.

" You can't run away from us. You better waiting for your punishment!" Morraine smug and handing her phone. Her phone is playing a video that is all about the three guys tear Hadley's cloth and beating guys.

"Promise us not to attack Kyler anymore! Then we will don't expose all over the school." Jasper said.

The three guys are all afraid. The boy point and stare at them fiercely. They soon run away as quickly as lightning.

"We did it!" All of them high five each other and cheering happily.

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