Chapter 1

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A woman panting.She run inside a crowd enormous hall. The noisy hall suddenly become silence. All of them stare at her, it makes her uncomfortable but she have no choice.

" We need to leave. Now! " She said
. " There is no more time."

All of them laughing at her as she stop. She become confuse and look at them.

Just then, there are some people come near to her in the crowd. However, they are all in a black figure and can't see their appearance.

" We can't do anything. They won't hear it." A wavy hair man spoke.

" What should we do?" A curly hair with spectacle girl said it worried.

" We can't let this happen." Two girl that looks alike said it together at the same time.

"... ..." She silence. She also don't have any idea.

She sigh. Look up to them and answer " Start the plan."

There are shock when they heard it. They murmuring and look at each other.

" But the plan is not the best way..." A short hair girl cross her arm. 

" No. We must do this. " When a guy take out his gun and said, all of them cover with blood on entire body. She shock and cover her mouth.

A tall man nodded " We have no choice but do it. "

" It is not the best but fastest way." A fluffy hair woman take out an axe, get ready.

" We agree." All of them spoke.

As she cover own mouth, the smell of blood is more heavy. She look at it, realize her hands are cover with blood too.

She is trembling with fear, she don't know why. She push those persons nearby to leave a way to her without thinking twice. She then keep running

and running,

                       and running,

and running,

"Just run! Run for your life, run away for those trouble. Run is all you can do." An echo keep spinning round and round in her head. Until she run in a deep darkness road, dark as night.

There is no end of the way in the road. She started get tired and stop.

She take a rest and kneel down. Suddenly, the road change. The place she kneel turn to a big deep tunnel. She scream when she recognise then fell down in a tunnel in a fast speed.
I n endless tunnel, she just keep falling.




And it won't stop.

Just then, she heard a sharp, loud screaming. It is as loud as thunder, as sharp as knife. She can't take it anymore, her ears is tinnitus. 


At the crack of dawn, all of the students from dorm house are in the old white bus that have a school badge, head to the way of school.

Morraine wakes up. Her head is cold sweating. Her hair also is stick on her face because of the sweat, she panting just like she had attend a running race.

"What a scary nightmare." She sighs and put her hand on her chest to calm herself.

A man by her side looking at her and console " Are you alright?"

"I Am Fine. "

"I don't think so,sis." He worried." It keep interrupt your sleep. And you seem stressed out."

" Not always." She look outside the window and answer.

"What?" Jasper ask. " I can't Heard You. It Is ToO NoiSy."

" I SaiD I Am JusT AlRight!" Morraine is shouting to answer his question.

There are a bunch of people suddenly talking loudly. They keep make noise and play like children. Some of the people try to tease people who sit their nearby. Most importantly, they are crumpled papers or throw anything around.

" Why it happens all of the sudden?" Jasper try to get rid of the things they throw. " Oh My God, please just give me a peaceful time!" When he finish his word, he being hit by a bottle that still full with water unfortunately. All of the people, except Morraine and Jasper are laughing when they saw this scence.

Morraine turn her head and glare at them for caution. They shock and just look away. Morraine then grab him get under their seat to get rid of those things they throw.

"You Okay?"

"Absolutely Not! I can't Believe This will Happen." Jasper sigh.

" I Hope this Will Gone Hesitate." She put her hand at the place he get hit. Jasper feel pain and push away lightly her hand. She just smile on him.

All of them finally silence when they arrive at school. They grab their luggages and leave the bus.

"Another year, another new life beginning. I hope this year can get more better." Jasper smile and look at bright blue sky. He turn to face her and Morraine smile back to him.

Together, they grab their own bag to start a new journey at Winterville Academia.

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