Chapter 8

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The hall way have nothing. Morraine stare at it as it is quite suspicious to her.

She took a deep breath to calm down. After that, she unlock the door and open it.

To be surprise, it is gone. Morraine is confused. She look at everywhere to make sure is it really gone.

Suddenly, the monster who hiding in the ceiling drop down and nearly stomp on her.

" Let's end this." Morraine look at him with a furious glare . She took out her sword immediately and slay his arm.

However, it doesn't bother him. His arm grow back instant and it is much bigger than before. The monster laughing coldly and keep stare at her with his souless eyes.

She is quite shock as she doesn't expect it will happen but she doesn't stop. Morraine resort to stab him but the monster is faster than her. He away his arm and slap her away.

Morraine's body hit down a stack of boxes. She want to stand up but she lost her balance. Morraine can't help but use the sword to keep her balance first.

The monster grin. " You think you  could defeat me? Stop being delusional, this is impossible, doll face."

" Doll face... ?" Morraine feel nostalgic when he call her this. She realizes after a second and look back at him with surprise " You are the principal?!"

" I am more than just a principal!" He yell. " I am the leader! I want to control all the people here! They are feeling better under my control! They deserve it!" Reginald laugh loudly. He use his feet to resort to stomp her.

Morraine quickly cut his feet. " Stop being childish, you bastard! How many people you want to destroy?!"

" I don't destroy them! This is their fault to not obey me! Of course I am the king here! They should listen to me, all eyes to me! " His feet grow back but even bigger. It is too big to slay down it easily now and I it looks like it won't explode of it bigness.

It doesn't work! I should do something.

Morraine notice there is a stairway to the second floor. It could reach his height of he stay here.

She run to there as fast as she could when he is talking nonsense to her. Unfortunately, he notice it immediately. She destroy the stair to not let her get up.

What on earth is he wanna do?!

She try her best but his hand push her and she is nearly fall. She quickly hold the the big curtain to not let her fell down.

Morraine look down and she find out if she let go of her hands, she will fall down and die here.

On the other hand, if she keep holding it, she will defeat by the  "mutation principal".

" See, I told you." Reginald is pleased. " You can't defeat me and you just don't want to hear it. Remember you are just a student." He grab her and hold her tightly.

" Enough of your stupid shit. No one want to it!" Morraine try to get rid of his hand.

" Blah blah blah... ..." He roll his eyes back. " You are the most stubborn person I have ever seen in my life. "

" I could tell you, you have two choices now. " He stare at her.

" One, surrender. Stop the war and listen to me from now on. "

" Two, you will get eaten by me! If you keep act contrary to me, you will just end up to death. "

"... ..." She bound down her head, silent for a while like she is thinking of what should she choose.

She smirk and look back to him. Morraine answer " I prefer three, defeat you and bring back peace to the school."

She flick her hair. It hurts his eyes and cried out in pain. His hand loosen and let go of her. Morraine fell down.

Morraine hold the curtain beside her without hesitation. She hold her sword and the curtain tightly. She use her strength to swing the curtain the side to him.

Morraine let go of the curtain and landing on his shoulder. Reginald keep moving around as he is now blind and can't see anything.

Morraine grab his hair tightly and whisper to his ear " You make a deal with the devil to destroy people. No one will forgive you anymore. "

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