Chapter 8

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The day of the exam is here.

Morraine wake up and tidy her bed immediately.

She look at Mabel, make sure she already awake. But Mabel still sleeping.

" Wake up, Mabel. We need to head to exam." She go near her and shake  her.

" It's 3 am in the morning, what happen to you?"

" 3 am?" Morraine is confuse and look at the clock. Indeed, the clock just twist to 3 am. She look outside the window, the sun already rise and the sky is lighting.

" How strange! It's the clock having a problem?"

" Indeed. So why are you awake, my dear Morraine?" Mabel turn her body to face her.

Her body become a skeleton suddenly. Flies around all over the body.

She woke up after that.

What's really going on?

She had no idea. She sigh and look at the clock. The clock still twisted at 3 am. Look at Mabel, she still lying on the bed, sleep peacefully.

Morraine walk near to check her. She slowly keep her hair to see if she is still a skeleton or not.

Luckily, Mabel is not the form of skeleton now. Morraine relax. She go to her table, open the drawer and took off her "chill pills" to calm down.

After she took some of it, she find out she can't sleep back. Therefore, Morraine open the table lamp and study. 

" You forget something."

" I don't forget anything."

" You do."

" I don't believe you."

" You do. It's very important."

" How could you forget it?"

Morraine is getting mad. She stands up and said " Stop interrupted me or else I would forget anything I studied before!"

All of the sudden, she is at her classroom. Morraine is confusing and look around what's going on.

She then realized it is exam time now.  Everybody are puzzles stare at her and doesn't understand her.

" What happen to you?" A spectacle teacher stare at her and yell.

" I am sorry, Mr. Underhill ." Morraine sit down, apologies what she had done.

Lawrence still mad at her " This time I forgive you! If you still interupt the class next time, we will let you kick off this classroom. "

She gulping and feeling akward what she had done.

She go through the exam paper to make sure she answer all the questions properly. Morraine finally notice she haven't write her name and her class in the paper.

Is this the thing I forget? Didn't I write it?

She sigh.

She then whisper to herself" Wait.... I can't identify what's dream what's reality now..." 

Maybe I am just too tired... ... Or maybe  I could discuss it to someone at the recess?

She shake her head and try to don't think of it. She lie down on the table and wait the exam time end.

Fine... I think I just take some chill pills and take some sleep. That's more easily.

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