Chapter 11

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Owen and Vanessa are sitting on a fountain. They both face each other, sitting very near at each other.

Vanessa is holding a colorful big lollipop on her hand, she look at him and ask " You buy me this, aren't you afraid your girl?"

Owen hold her chin and his face even closer to her face " Oh, what else do you think? You are the girl who I love the most."

Vanessa giggles, saying blush " Oh, you are such a sweetie! Have you eat too much sweet?"

" I'm sorry, if he ate too much sweet, he will got toothache!" Harriet roll her eyes back, cross her arm and walk near them.

" What are you doing here? You husky chick!" Owen look at her up and down, his face is full with dislike and disgust.

Vanessa hugging him tightly, she grin and ask " Harriet? You jealous, huh? "

She kiss his lips a long while, then look back at her even happy " I'm sorry, he's mine now~"

Harriet clenching her fist, she stare at Owen and shout " Owen! Stay away from her!!!"

Owen laugh " If you keep shout, you will be mute! "  Vanessa is laughing too, even louder than him.

Harriet's eyes is filling with tears now. " You... "

Owen hugging Vanessa like a princess. He stare at Harriet and said " Let's go. My dear princess, we should leave her alone."

" Now I am break up with you, Harriet."

" No! Don't leave me!" She begging him. Owen is being disgust and walk away even faster.

Harriet can't believe this will happen. She burst into tears, crying louder and screaming on the ground. She also keep vomiting blood non stop as the curse still here.

Everybody who saw this are shocking. They doesn't do anything but just walk away. As they have no idea what's happening to her.

" Another creature who possessed by a demon. " Edward sigh look at her. He shake his head and walk away.

Just then, another boy accidentally push him while running. Edward is furious, staring at him " Hey! Don't know how to say sorry aren't you?"

The boy ignore him. Edward sigh again and just walk away.

Harriet still crying. The boy who run towards her give her a bag of tissue with trembling.

Harriet grab the tissue and look up to see who he is.

" Gavin?! Is you?"

Gavin nod. Harriet wipe away her tears with the bag of tissue. She keep sobbing because she still thinking about it.

He said nothing but take her to a bench who near the dormitory.

" Everyone are looking for you. Why you here?" He asks.

" I break up with my boyfriend! The worst is ... ... It is one of my bestie!!! They are cheating! They are literally cheating!!!" She used all the tissue paper. She turn to him and wipping her tears and  snivel into her sleeve.

Gavin is shock as he doesn't know it. " Um... I am sorry for this. I think you should leave them by the way."

" Why? I still love him... ..."

" But he treat you like nothing. " Gavin wipe away her tears and spoke. " Harriet, I understand what you feel. However, sometimes we need to let someone go. "

" It doesn't worth to keep toxic persons in your life. If they are really hurting you and you feel better they are not by your side, leave them and don't care about them anymore. They don't own you."

When Gavin finish his sentence, he took up his scissors, he cutting the string at her necklace. The necklace falling down on her legs.

Harriet finally smile and look at him " Maybe you are right. Thank you, I found out you guys really care for me."

Gavin smiling too.

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