Chapter 6

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It is night, they all wake up outside the abandoned staircase.

" That's strange. How come it will happen in our school?" Nicholas is confused.

"Indeed." Morraine spoke. "There is something wrong in this school. We need to find out before is too late."

" It feels weird." Pamela said. " It feels like a dream... ..."

" Yea... But I know that's real, though." Jasper open the rusty door. It still have dead body and river of blood.
" Scott no longer come back."

Jasper sigh, his eyes rolls out with tears " I... I don't know what else should I do... I just... ..."

Everyone having a heavy heart. They all give him a hug to him.

" Oh. I know a man can't cry... I'm sorry." He apologies.

" Cry if you want to. It's okay." Morraine whisper to him.

Jasper nod. " Thanks."

They all spend a long time here. Trying to comfort him, do anything to make him feel better.

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