Chapter 7

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Gavin and Harriet go to the secret passageway from the abandoned staircase. They push the wall when they enter the staircase. The wall beside it show a secret passageway.

When they enter there , the wall automatically close.

They went inside to the way of prisons.

Soon as they arrive, they saw a tall skeleton woman with a long claws.  Prisons have add up some woman here, include Precious, Sarah, Catherine ,Vanessa ,Yvonne. They all hurt badly, face full of scars and weak.

" Help me... Harriet.... " Vanessa beg her.  "  We are ... ... Bestie.... Right?"

" I ... Can't take this... Anymore..." Yvonne look at Catherine.

" We can't dead..." Yvonne hold Catherine's hand, " Stay strong... ..."

Harriet look at her but doesn't really care about her. She look in front of the woman and ask " Why would you do that?"

" I could prison peoples whatever I hate, that's all. "  Eglantia turn around to look at them.  Her face is crack and her eyes are all black.

" I wonder would you be the next?" She grin wicked.

" We would see. " Gavin show his gun, aim at her as a target. He shoot her head but she catch the bullet by her fingers.

" Take this!" Harriet throw stone to her. However, it isn't work and she doesn't feel any pain.

It shock Gavin. Harriet can't believe her eyesight and rub it to see is it real.

Eglantia laugh coldly. " See, you both aren't my competitor. You both can't defeat me."

Gavin is furious. He quickly shot her three times. However, she still can catch it and one of the bullet she ate it .

" That's bad. Anyway, stop wasting your own time. It is more faster if I lock you both inside." Eglantia walk toward them to lock them inside the prison.

Soon, Pepper walk inside. He meows and look around.

" A cat? " Eglantia look at it. " You suppose to be dead like your owner, isn't it? "

Gavin cuddle it and said " He just come back to help us. " He then throw it to her. Pepper is scratching her face to distract her. She is scream painfully and try to get rid of her.

His claws cut the string of her necklace. Harriet quickly catch it and open the prison door. Unfortunately, she find out not all the key can open all the door.

" Oh my! I don't have a hairpin. How should I help the rest?" Harriet is nervous.

" What? Need keys? " Hadley, Isla and Nicholas arrive.

" Quickly, or else it will be too late." Gavin shout to them while trying to separate the bones on Eglantia's skeleton body.

Isla have an idea. She separate the bunch of keys and share to them so it could be faster.

Everyone finally manage to be free. Some of them are hurt badly. They hardly or can't move anymore.

They help them out of here as quick as possible.

" Thanks, Pepper. " Gavin pat at him. Before he leave, he shoots at Eglantia to make sure she is death. Then, he leave here immediately.

" How dare you all... ..."   Eglantia is furious. Her eyes are blind now because of being scratch.

Eglantia said weakly. " I don't know... I will have this day.... Kids are all grown up now... Huh... "  She smile. Her eyes close, she is out of breath and doesn't move anymore.


"Quick! We need to move faster!" Everyone lead them to leave here as soon as possible.

When everybody are busy at running away, Morraine suddenly feeling a big hand is grabbing her. She shock and want to slay it. However it is way too fast and it grab her away.

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