Chapter 8

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" We need to talk to your parents about this. " Mr. Sanders scolded.          "You are such a courage to do such cruel action! "

" I believe I doesn't do anything to her! I nearly came here after she died!" Gavin, the man with a fierce gaze, mostly everyone are scared to look at his eyes, being rumour about he is the terrible man.

Mr. Sanders shake his head, point him at his forehead " Stop talking anything nonsense. Of course you won't tell the truth as a killer. "

" No matter what, you will be the next on the black name list from now on!" Mr. Sanders demanded and walk away. Gavin is clenching his fists, trembling, try to not let it out.

Just then, he feel something cold touch his face. He turn his head and see what is it.

" Hey, let's go inside and have a seat. It is warm today." Thomas smile and handing him a cold juice. Gavin say nothing and grab the juice he give.

Gavin and Thomas are sitting on the bench, chilling.

" I know it feeling bad when you being misunderstood." Thomas sip a bottle of juice and start the conversation.

Gavin face at him, ask " You hear everything?"

Thomas nod his head. Gavin sigh " No one believe me since I am the only one who came earlier than everyone."

" But this doesn't mean you must be the killer. " Thomas look at him, console " Like you say, although you are earlier than everyone in the crime scene, but it doesn't mean you must be the killer."

" Also, the nurse can be suicide since her pulse is cut. She could kill by anyone else. We still don't have any clue on it, so you are not the one who looks suspicious."

Gavin smile, nodes " Thank you for believing me. "

" Nah, bro. I believe you are blameless. Plus, you are not alone." He put his arm on his shoulder. They both smile together.

At night, Morraine is in the dormitory talking about the nurse suicide case happen in afternoon with her phone.

Morraine: Let me analysis the case. The nurse is dead in the night, 22:10. She is suicide, cut her pulse. The ceiling also raining blood that made us think it was raining outside.

Morraine: The victim also have many bruises over her body.

Morraine: I think all the things is weird and doesn't any make sense... ...

Jasper : It looks like all the things is artificial.

Jasper: Would it be the nurse die first and the person want to blame us so use blood raining to let us think it is   " the rumor of the suicide nurse"?

Hadley: Hm... But I still believe it was  the ghost of the nurse done it!

Isla: Maybe she want to revenge?

Nichols: How about the bruises? I think someone is killing her instead of suicide.

Isla: Maybe she beat herself? 

Morraine:The biggest question is, how the killer can use the mimic of time do so many things?

Nicholas : Wow, too many questions... I am dizzy now.

Morraine: Relax, I know it is complicated.

Jasper: If only we can go to the second floor, maybe we can know anything...

Isla: But how? We can't go there! How we could take the key?

Nicholas: Unless...

Nicholas: We tell someone to take it when the nurses doesn't notice.

Nicholas: So we need to distract them!

Hadley: Wait, where is Pamela?

Isla: She hasn't been online.

Hadley: Is she too panic about it? I hope she is fine.

Soon, Pamela appear. She send a picture about she talking to Thomas.

Pamela: (Thomas: I asked Gavin. He said he was cleaning up the corridor of the nurse office as he was helping them.

Thomas: He then take the broom back to the store room. When he come back he saw the nurse dead.

Pamela: When did he came?

Thomas:He said it was around 10pm.

Pamela: It just match the time the victim dead.

Thomas: He always alone. I know it is easy to let him do it.

Thomas: But I believe he is not.

Thomas: He doesn't have any reason and the time to kill.

Pamela: I understand your feeling. Just let my friends and I handle this.

Thomas: I wait for your news! )

Pamela: This is what I got from him. He seems don't believe is he do.

Hadley: Why can't you just add Thomas in the group? It will be easy to discuss it!

Morraine: We can't simply let anyone to join in.

Hadley: Oh, ok.

Nicholas: Um... I actually don't know he have any friend. All I know is he is my classmate. 

Isla:  Is it the one who tell us silence before the case happen?

Pamela: Yep.

Pamela: There are also two nurses here (if don't include the victim).

Kyler: So far the most sus is Gavin.

Kyler: But still, all the workers can't rule out the possibility.

Isla: I doesn't believe it is one of us  did since we are together!

Morraine: Like Kyler said, we can't rule out any possibility, unless we got clues that can prove their innocent.

Morraine: Before I forget, any plan to get the key? What do you think the key will be?

Nicholas: Maybe is under the carpet? Most of the movies are did like this.

Hadley: Nah, if so, I think everyone will simply found it.

Jasper: If I am the one who hide the key, I will just keep it by myself or hide on any secret place, like Safe.

Kyler: Is it have the possible to hide in a secret body parts?

Isla: ... Maybe...

Morraine: No matter where is it located, I believe it is just in nurse office.

Hadley: Hey! About the plan to get the key

Isla: We know how to do it! Hear us out!


At evening, a people holding some rabbit's ears. Blood flow in the floor and the people is giggles.

The people doesn't notice someone is following.

" What are you doing?" Thomas show up. The people stop his pace, the people doesn't said anything but beat his neck to let he faint.

The people stare at him for a while. The people then use another hand to drag him to the second floor while singing a lullaby.

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