Chapter 5

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At night, Grace is in her room. Her room is messy, many things have been overturned.

" Not here.... Not there... ..." She rubbing her hair, becoming nervous. " Oh my! Where would it be?! I cannot lose it when I need it! "

All of a sudden, the door knocking. Grace have no idea but go to open the door first.

It is a beautiful woman that looks like her. She is frown when she saw her room.

" Oh, Grace." The woman name Eglantia walk inside the room and take a look. " When do you last tidying your room?"

" I not sure... Maybe three months ago?" Grace answer.

Eglantia shake her head. " Grace, you must remember a woman must know how to tidy your room. If you don't, no man will marry you."

" Mom, I... I don't want to."

" Pardon?!"

" I mean... I was too busy at study! I would tidy it when I am free." Grace try to explain. She accidentally kick a box. It nearly fall and she quickly catch it, put it in the place before it fell.

Eglantia sigh. She then continue " Speak about study, exam is around the corner. You need to learn from your brother Edward, he is intelligent and diligent. He is also take the first place in the school."

Grace is feeling down. She is also help her mother to tidy the room.

Eglantia suddenly put her dictionary in the book rack vigorously and get higher her volume " Remember we must work harder! We can't let Underhill family and anyone make fun of us!"

" I understand. " Grace nod.

" By the way, we have a tea party. Do you interested to attend? " She face her and ask Grace.

Grace is surprise. " Can I?" Eglantia nod. " Yes."

" Sure. I would love to!" Grace answer excitedly. " Then, can I wear this? " She took up a jeans in her closet. " This is the newest jeans."

Eglantia sigh and disagree. " I think you should wear a dress."

She walk to her closet and take a look. She took out a pink dress and give it to her. " This is much better."

" But mom, this is too childish to me." Grace frown.

" Why not? This is your favorite dress isn't it?" She check her appearance in her mirror and asked.

" That was three years ago. " Grace put the pink dress back. " People can change their thoughts, mother. "

" Yeh, yeh, I know. Just put in anyway." She put her lipstick on and spoke. " Didn't your father told you to be girly?"

Grace sigh. " Whatever... ... "

As Eglantia finish prepare herself, she pat her head and said " Quick. The tea party will start at 15 minutes later. Don't let us wait for long."

Grace doesn't face and answer her mother, or I should said she is tired to.

She always don't understand why she must always obey her parents. Why she need to fight to Underhill family? What's the point of all of things?

She can't think of it, she know if she refute, they will get piss or chop her head off.

Grace look at the pink dress her mother choose to her. She sigh and put it on by the way.


The tea party is held at the cafeteria. Principal let all the teacher have a break. The cafeteria is crowd and full of laughter.

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