Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

Rhea POV

Screw this. I'm going to tell her everything. From my former life to my very vague spiritual life where I met the Fates, when I met dad, and saw the Fates again, till now.

"Auntie, I'm scared."

"About what the Fates said?" she asks.

"Not just what they said. But I'm scared you won't love me anymore. That you don't want to spend time with me," I reply.

"Rhea, there is nothing you can say that will take the love I have for you away. I see you as a daughter," she says, still squeezing my hand.

"Thank you," I reply, taking a breath, I say, "What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone, not even Uncle Hades. Not my mom, or my dad, not Triton, no one."

"I see this is very serious," she says.

"You see, I've never been normal. I've always excelled at everything. I've finished school early. I don't make all the stupid mistakes that kids my age normally make. I relate more to you than I do to the kids at camp. And the reason for that is that I've been reborn. I've been reincarnated into this world."

She stares at me, searching my face for lies. "I believe you. No one could pinpoint why you were able to do the things you do. Now I know," she says frowning, "people get reincarnated all the time, but why do you remember?"

I started telling her everything. It took me over an hour to get everything out.

"When I met dad for the first time, I knew who he was. I was only a baby. It's insane. It was really cool, but I was freaked out. And then I met Triton and I saw the Fates again. And dad trained me. I met all of you. I still freak out from time to time. Especially when dad gets so protective. And when everyone tells me that I could start a war because dad loves me so much, it freaks me out even more. And now that the events are changing, I don't know what to expect. But I love having a family. I'll do anything for any of you. I wouldn't change you or dad, or mom, or Aunt Hestia or anyone for the world.

This is so stressful, it looks like I know what I'm doing to other people, but in reality, I am so lost. Why me?" I rant and rant until Persephone said.

"Oh, will you just stop. You're being overly dramatic Rhea. You are chosen for a reason. That is an honour. Your path will not be easy, but we are all with you. You are not alone."

I pull my hair back and say, "I have the bolt."

"How?" she says.

"A boy at camp gave me a shield and flying shoes. There is a hidden space inside the shield. I opened it up and there it was. And still is. Annabeth and Grover don't know."

"Then why aren't you on your way back to Olympus?" she asks.

"Because the Oracle said I must come west. And it's a great opportunity to visit you," I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

"Do you know where my husband's helm might be?" she asks.

"Yes. Which god loves war?" I ask.

Her eye twitched. "That no good, son of a bitch brother of mine."


"Don't you worry about anything Rhea I won't tell anyone what you've shared with me today, not unless you tell me to. And as for my war-crazed brother, he won't know what hit him."

"The glint in your eyes tells a tale of horror. I kind of feel sorry for him. In Percy's story, he fought the god of war after he escaped the Underworld. I half expect the same thing to happen to me," I tell her.

"You've said it before, Rhea, The Fates told you that things won't go according to the timeline you know," she replies.

"Thanks for listening. And not hating me."

"You know your parents won't care that you're a reincarnated soul, right?"

"I don't know about that. I don't want to tell them yet," I said.

"Let's head back. We'll collect your friends and then head home."

"How are we going there? We missed our bus. We can probably book a ticket for another one, but we might not have enough money," I tell her.

"I've got this. We're travelling my way."

We arrived at the hotel and before we headed up to the rooms, Persephone showed me my cousins- Bianca and Nico.

I went over and introduced myself, gave Nico the extra candy bar that I had in my bag and left to wake Annabeth and Grover.

"Argh, what happened?" Grover asks, rubbing his head.

"I second that," Annabeth groans out.

"Hi guys, uh, you two fell asleep," I said warily.

A/N: Hello fellow readers. Thanks for your support. Love you guys. Let me know what you think.

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