Chapter 16

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Triton told me that he will be introducing me as his daughter for the time being to keep me safe.

"That's weird", I say, pulling a face.

"I know what you mean, but we have to do it for now", he tells me...


Today my father and brother will start my training, I'm excited but also nervous.

My mother was worried about me and made herself very clear about it.

"Poseidon, she is still a child. She's too young to fight," my mother said.

"Sally, she needs to learn. Her training at school will not be enough. She will be safe in my domain while she trains. I promise."

My mother relented of course. I don't think many can resist my father's face when he pulls it like that. I wish I could do that with my mother. Imagine it, 'Mom, can I have some chocolate, along with all the sweets in the world, please', and then, 'Bam! I have all the sweets in the world. But no...I don't have my father's talent to pull a face like that...yet', I think while smirking evilly at the last thought.

"What's with that smile on your face?" Triton asks curiously.

"Nothing, just imagining myself being as awesomely convincing as dad one day," I whisper to him.

He lets out a roaring laugh, causing my parents to look at us.

"What's that about?" my mother asks.

"Nothing mom," I reply quickly, blushing beet red.

"That doesn't look like nothing. But I'll drop it," my mother says.

We headed a few miles into the ocean and there my father gifted me with my very first sword, made of celestial bronze. We were standing at the bottom of the ocean. I can move normally and feel more energized than on land.

I take it from his hand and feel the tip hit the floor due to its weight.

"This is definitely not the sword fighting I do at school. It's heavy," I state.

My father lets out a laugh and says, "You are right daughter. Your training will be different than that of your school. Your brother and I will help you become the best warrior I know you can be. Your path won't be easy. But we believe in you. There are monsters out there who would do nothing more than to harm and kill you. And many demi-gods have died because of lack of training, especially at their young ages. You will have an advantage that they didn't have."

He showed me how to hold my sword properly, it is still difficult due to its weight.

"Dad, it's really difficult to lift it," I complain.

"Stop complaining, now hold it up".

I struggle slightly until my father waves his hand over the sword, making it lighter.

"Thanks, Dad," I respond and stand ready.

He advances on me and basically kicks my arse for an hour.

"Your endurance is good Rhea, but you won't last long in a fight. Your core and balance needs work, and we'll focus on that for the next few days. You're fast due to your age and can use it to your advantage but only for so long," he tells me and I groan, lying flat on the ocean floor.

"Dad, have mercy please!" I beg him and I hear Triton snort in the background.

"Not a chance little sister. When I was your age he was even worse with me than with you," Triton quips in.

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