Seprated Pt.2

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"You're not supposed to be in here," Jughead said.

He was laying on the queen-sized bed that was kept in the guest room, staring at the ceiling, his teen angst levels at an all-time high. Betty sighed as she quietly closed the door.

"Mom and FP went to go get Pop's for dinner." She explained "Jug, I know you're angry, but you only got three more days until your un-grounded, we've survived longer"

"That's the point, Betty, we've spent so much time away from each other, so so much time that we could have spent together, I've almost lost you I don't even know how many times now, so I want to spend every second with you, I can't stand it, it annoys the fuck out of me when we're apart" Jughead ranted.

Betty sighed once more and walked over to the bed and laid down next to him, she rested her head on his chest.

"They did promise that if my anxiety gets bad you can go back, and we'll still see each other around the house and at school."

"I know, I know, but it's still less time"

"It'll be alright I promise," Betty said kissing his cheek "I better get out before FP catches us"

And one cue they heard the car pulling up to the driveway. Betty kissed his cheek one more time and quickly made it out of the room to her's.

On day one Jughead had bags under his eyes, luckily it was the weekend.

"Oh my god, you look like shit," JB said as she saw her brother walk into the kitchen.

"Yeah, no fuck" Jughead replied, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Grumpy too, you need coffee," JB said.

"I need Betty" Jughead sighed as he got a mug out of the cabinet.

When FP got down the stairs he saw JB laughing as Jughead almost passed out on his cereal.

"I blame you, dad," Jughead said groggily, his face partially covered in milk and cheerios.

On day two Jughead was more grumpy than tired, he snapped at everyone but Betty, he honestly couldn't get mad at her without a reason.

On the final day, Jughead was excited to get back into their room.

"Calm down Jug, what's got you all jittery?" Archie asked the young writer during lunch.

"I am officially ungrounded today, I get my computer, books, bike, and of course Betty back!" Jughead replied, before scarfing down his lunch.

"What's up with beanie boy there?" Veronica asked her boyfriend as she sat down at the lunch table next to Archie.

"Apparently FP took away his Betty privileges"


"He's not allowed in Betty's room"

"Damn, why though"

"Cause aparwenwy the othwer punishmewnts didn't work!" Jughead said quickly, his mouth still full.

Veronica made a slightly disgusted face then nodded. When Jughead got home he rushed to the guest room and took all of his things to his and Betty's shared room, threw the dirty clothes in the hamper, threw his beanie and jacket on of the chairs in the room, and threw himself on their bed. He inhaled as much as the sent he could take and practically passed out.

When Betty got out of her mom's car and into the house she noticed Jughead's shoes were lazily placed and his satchel was sprawled on one of the couches. She furrowed her eyebrows and walked up the steps to look for Jughead. She checked the guest room, he wasn't there, she knocked on the bathroom door, he wasn't there either. When she checked her room she saw her boyfriend sprawled out on their bed half-asleep. She giggled, pulled a blanket on him, kissed his cheek, and tried to leave the room.

Jughead knew she was there, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the bed next to him. He then pulled her close to him and fell back asleep.

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