Spilt Coffee

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“Okay so an cappuccino, with what now?” Betty asked the rich raven haired girl sitting down in front of her.

“A slice tiramisu” she replied like it was common knowledge for Betty to know.

“What the fuck is that?” Betty said, eyebrows scrunched together.

“You have never had tiramisu with coffee? Betty make that order two slices, you my dear are going to thank me for showing you this great dessert that is even better with a wonderful cup of coffee”

“Okay, okay, I get it Veronica”

Betty walked to the front counter and ordered the two cups of coffee and the slices of dessert. She was balancing everything the best she could, not really looking where she was going. Neither was Jughead, his eyes were glued to his phone making appointments and texting his assistant to book next month for his book tour. Because of both of them not paying attention they walked into one another, Jughead dropped his phone and Betty dropped one of the plates on his foot and got some of the coffee on his shirt.

“Oh my god! I am so sorry” she said as she crouched down to clean up some of the dessert off of his dress shoes.

“No, no, it’s okay it was my fault, I wasn’t looking” he also crouched down to pick up some of the shattered plate and his phone, that lucky wasn’t badly damaged.

She giggled, as he stood up.

“I wasn’t either” she sighed, relieved she didn’t bump into some jerk.

“Jughead, Jughead Jones” He said, offering her his hand to get up.

“Betty, Betty Cooper” she replied shaking his hand after she got up.

“So by the looks of it, I owe you some tiramisu and coffee”

“Am I the only one who doesn't know what tiramisu is?” She replied in annoyance.

He chuckled at her dramatism.

“Maybe, but what were you doing with two cups of coffee and two slices of tiramisu?” He asked slightly hoping that she wasn’t on some sort of date.

“Oh, well I was just visiting around town and a friend of mine wanted me to try the new coffee shop and then she wanted this stuff that is now on the ground because of my clumsiness” she gestured to the floor and his dress shoes “I’m sorry, your shoes look really expensive and-” her eyes then grew wide “oh gosh, your shirt! I got coffee all over it, oh I’m so so so so sorry, I can maybe-”

“It’s fine Betty, it’s really nothing, their just shoes and a shirt” he chuckled at her rambling “besides the coffee wasn’t that hot, I haven’t noticed it until you pointed it out”

She sighed in relief, but she still couldn’t help but feel a little guilty. While Jughead was trying to figure out how to ask her for her number without making it seem weird.

“So umm Betty I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get coffee with me sometime? I mean I do owe you” he said scratching the back of his neck, he wasn’t really used to asking girls out, it wasn’t like he was a playboy, it was just he was more reserved when it came to dating. Betty was really the first girl to catch his attention in a long time.

“If anything I owe you new shoes and a shirt” she giggled “but yes I would love to get coffee with you sometime Jughead”

All he could think of at that moment was she said yes and how his name sounded from her mouth.

“How about Wednesday?” He asked, knowing that he had a meeting about his book tomorrow so Tuesday was a no.

“Sure, umm hang on a sec” she said as she brought out a pad and pen out of her purse, she quickly scribbled down a series of numbers, ripped it out of the pad, and handed it to him “that’s my number”

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