Since We Met

486 18 4

Age 5


"Archie nooo!"

Me and Archie were playing with our dinosaurs in the sand box at the playground. He told me he wanted me to meet one of his other friends because they're like me, I don't know what he means by that. All of a sudden a pink triceratops is placed next to my raptor. I looked up at the person who owned this strangely colored dino, it was a blonde girl with green eyes. As soon as I saw her I bursted out blushing, almost like those cartoons I watch.

"Betty! This is Jughead, Jug this is Betty, the friend I was talking to you about"

"Nice to meet you Jughead!"

My eyes grew wide, she said my name like it was normal, not only that Archie never said this other friend was a girl! I mean it's not like I have anything against girls, they just tend to run away from me like I'm scary, I'm not scary, right?

"Hi Betty" I mumbled.

She giggled, I like her giggle. It's pretty.

Age 10

"Happy Birthday dear Betty! Happy Birthday to you!" We all sang.

Betty was turning 10 today, I still have this stupid crush on her, and recently it's been getting worse. My palms start getting sweaty and my blushing gets out of control sometimes.

"This ones from me"

"Thanks Archie" she beamed

I love her smile, her laugh, heak everything about her is just so beautiful. I guess I'm still too young to understand love completely, my parents told me they loved each other but my mom still left. I just hope that Betty doesn't leave me.

"I-i-i got y-you something, i-it isn't m-much b-but-" I was scratching my neck and stuttering.

She unwrapped the present faster than the others, almost like she was excited. She opened the small box to see the homemade bracelet I made her. She squealed and kissed me on the cheek, my face was on fire. She KISSED ME! On the cheek but still, SHE KISSED ME! And not Archie, wow.

Age 16 (Before they got together in season 1)

"I just don't understand it Juggie, it's all so confusing!"

Betty was ranting again, 12th time this week. I enjoy her rants, she looks so focused, she's so smart and pretty.

"Juggie? Hello?" She waved her in front of my face.

I scrambled a little, she giggled.

"What were you thinking about Jug?" She asked, forgetting her own rant.

Oh you know the normal since I was 5, you and only you. How much I absolutely love you, how smart you are, your giggle and laugh, your smile, the way you act, just everything. But I couldn't say that, it would be so weird, she'll reject me anyways, she likes Archie.

"Nothing Betts, everything's good"

"If you say so"

I so badly wanted to tell her how I feel but she'll just leave me, and I don't want that, I don't want her to leave.

Age 20

I got on one knee and looked up into her teary eyes.

"Betty Cooper, will you do me the honors of becoming my wife, will you marry me?"

Please say yes, please say yes, oh god, what if she says no? What if she doesn't love me? WHAT IF SHE LEAVES?

"Oh my god yes. YES, YES, YES!" She squealed.

Both of us were crying, I got up and she jumped in my arms kissing me all over my face.

"I can't believe I'm gonna marry you"

"Well it's happening Juggie, no take backs" she giggled

Age 25 (a/n look I know that that's a while but let's just say they've been holding it off so they can get through college)

"Betty I met you when we were maybe 5, I remember seeing the bright pink dino then looking up at its owner only to see the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, I loved you since that day, I loved you since we met. I knew that you were my one and only, but I was 5, I didn't quite understand why you didn't laugh at my name or run from me like all the other girls did. You stayed, you stayed longer in my life than any other, I love you for that, and I forever will, I love you so so much Betty that it hurts to apart from you for so long, we might have broken up a few times but we both knew they never lasted long, I love you forever and forever"

Betty was crying so hard some of her makeup was smudging, lucky she didn't wear much anyways, my request. We placed each other's rings on the other's finger, when the pastor said "you may now kiss the bride" Betty jumped into my arms and kissed me harder than we ever have, that kiss was so full of our love that you could feel it from miles away.

"I love you, I love you, I love you!" she squealed

"I love you to baby, so so much"

I carried her all the way to my car while she was giggling. I loved this girl since we first met, and it will forever stay that way.

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