Hate Me Pt.2

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(Jughead’s POV)

I am determined to make this right, Betty said I need to find myself again, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’ve spent the entire weekend reminiscing and doing the things I’ve been holding off, like helping my dad, cleaning the trailer, school work, and my writing. That was one of the things I used to do all the time but after my loss of myself I haven’t even touched my computer, this honestly felt like the first time it was actually fully charged. I’ve also been trying my hardest to fix things with Betty, I’ve been trying to text her, call her, facetime, you name it, but she only doesn't reply, gives me a short answer, or tells me she’s busy.

“Just give her time man” Archie said, his eyes glued to the video game playing on the TV.

“Arch, it’s been an entire month! I'm not me again yet? Does she still hate me? Oh god, what if she found someone else?!”

“PLAYER 1 WINS!” Blared out of the television, this caused Archie to sign and turn around to face me on his bed.

“This is really screwing you up, isn’t it?” He said.

“Why do you say that?”

“Dude, I have never beaten you at this game, and I just fucking did, this is seriously fucking you up” he sighed once more, shaking his head.

I nod and look out his window across the street, where she was. Her curtains were closed, but not completely, I could see her reading a book. I wanted to climb that ladder, like I used to, and beg on my hands and knees for her to take me back. That’s how much I love Betty Cooper, that and more. I messed up big fucking time.

“There are only two reason why she might still be doing this, one is that you aren’t trying hard enough, two is she really dosen’t give a fuck anymore, if I were you I’d pray to fucking God that number two isn’t true” Archie said while placing his controller down and getting up “I’m getting food, want anything”


“Oh my god, she really is fucking you up, you never decline food, sheesh”

I flipped him off while he walked out of the room, then I reverted my gaze back to her window. If only, I need her, and my dumbass had to mess it all up. Like usual.

(Betty’s POV)

It’s been roughly a month, yep a whole damned month of ignoring and declining Jughead. Part of me wants to run back to him almost as soon as he texts me or something, but another part of me knows that if I do he’s only going to do it again and again. I don’t know what I want anymore. I knew he was over at Archie’s, when he wasn’t looking I would just stare, I miss him, so so much. I can hardly do my school work, Blue and Gold work, or even maintain a fucking coversation with my own damned family without thinking about that motherfucker. He’s told me he’s working on himself, and he promises he won’t let me go again, but can I really believe him? He did promise me the exact same thing when we were dating, who says he won’t lie again. I was thinking so hard I barely noticed my phone buzzing, indicating a new text.

Jughead: Hey Betts, can we pls talk?

Me: I don’t know…

Jughead: I will get on my hands and knees and beg if you don’t

I giggled a little and looked out my window, he was looking back. Maybe talking won’t hurt.

(Jughead’s POV)

I was looking out of Archie’s window again, I’ve been doing it on and off for the past hour. Archie was too focused on the video games and chips to notice. I really needed to talk to her, like really really need to fucking talk to her.

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