Vampire Jug

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Day #1 of living with my boyfriend

I was in the kitchen washing dishes from last night and this morning, Jug was already at work. He should be home anytime now, then I heard a strange creak from upstairs, which was strange cause the house was fairly new.

“Hello?” I called out hoping it was Jug or just me imagining things, but no one answered.

“Anyone there?” I said while climbing up the steps, then came a loud thump that made me jump a little.

“Jug if that’s you this isn’t funny!” I said slightly scared, then walked into Jug and I’s bedroom, I noticed a candle on the floor and the window open causing the breeze to make the door creak, I sighed out of relief.

“Gotta get that fixed”, I say while checking the hinges, then I felt a large hand on my shoulder, I screamed and jumped, I soon heard all too familiar laughter of my boyfriend,

“JUGHEAD! DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!” I say my heart is still racing.

“But Betts *wheeze* that was *laughing* hilarious.” He said, nearly falling from laughter.

“You scared me to death.”, I said while pouting.

“Ah, death jokes around the dead.”

“Your hearts are still beating, Jug.”

“Yes, but I don’t need air, unlike you.” He said with a smirk “Besides, I know you’re not dead, I can hear your heartbeat, it beats really fast when we-”

“JUG!” I say a little flustered.

“What?” He chuckled “You don’t mind dirty comments while we’re-”

“Just get ready for dinner, Jug, before I fucking beat you.”, I sigh.

“Is that a new kink cause-”

“JUGHEAD JONES!” He just laughs and runs downstairs.

Day #7 of living with my boyfriend

“Juggieeeeeee”, I say while sounding like a child.

“What, baby?” He yells from the bathroom.

“I’m sick”, I said with a cough.

“Okay, well, I told you not to go mess around in the rain.” He yelled again from the bathroom.

“But Juggie”, I pout as he walks into our room freshly shaven and a towel around his waist as I am on the bed with a bunch of blankets.

“How about I get some medicine, soup, ginger ale, and movies then we can cuddle.” He said while searching for clothes and getting dressed.

“But won’t you get sick?”

“Betts, I have a better immune system and healing system than most humans, so I can’t get sick at all.”

“Lucky” I sniffled “Well if that’s the *cough* case, I want a lot of fucking cuddles.” He chuckled.

“Of course Betts.”

Day #30 of living with my boyfriend

I was in the living room flipping through Netflix shows to watch while Jughead was raiding the fridge for food, he says because he is “dead” he has to eat a lot more to maintain energy, I heard a thump and then slight sniffling. I got curious so I went into the kitchen and saw a gory sight, blood was everywhere, two empty blood pack were on the floor, and parts of a stray cat were scattered all over the kitchen, I look in the corner of the kitchen and see a blood-covered Jughead crying and hugging his knees close to his body and slowly rocking himself back and forth. I ran up to him and held him.

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