Empty bed

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    It was a normal night for the Cooper-Jones house, Jughead was home for the weekend, FP and Alice were basically doing their own thing, as well as Jellybean, and of course, Jughead and Betty were sharing a bed. Much to their surprise their parents were okay with it, that made the situation slightly suspicious, but they didn’t really care for their parent’s alternatives at the moment, in fact, all Betty could think about at the moment was water. So she reluctantly got out of bed to go downstairs to grab a glass of water, seemed basic right? Well, back upstairs Jughead was getting cold so to his sleep drunk mind all he had to do was reach over and cuddle Betty instead of getting an extra blanket, which might I add was far across the room in their closet. He lazily reached over to Betty’s side of the bed only to feel it empty, he patted her side over and over again as if searching for her, his head still on his pillow and eyes closed. After a few minutes he panicked, he lifted himself from the bed, still sleep drunk, and searched for her in the bathroom? Nope, under the bed? No, in the closet? Not there either, well maybe she’s gone, and she left, maybe she didn’t want him anymore. He panicked further, scared that Betty finally realized that she deserved better, he started crying. Back downstairs Betty was still searching for the ice when she heard crying near the stairs close to their room but not in their room, she freaked out. Was Jughead okay? Is that Jughead? What if Jellybean had a nightmare? Wait Jellybean was like 13, so she would be able to calm down herself right? Thoughts were swirling for both of them, for Betty, it was “who could possibly be crying?” and for Jughead it was “she left me she finally did it, does she still love me? What did I do wrong?”. Both of their thoughts were interrupted when Betty said:

“Juggie? What’s wrong?”

The boy looked up to see his girlfriend, and imeadetly thought “God now I’m fucking hallucinating”, his crying got worse he pulled his knees close to his body and tried to comfort himself like he has many times before as a kid. Betty was even more worried, what got her sarcastic, sardonic, and overall mentally tough boyfriend crying like a child who lost his favorite toy.

“Juggie, hey, is everything okay”

“Dammit Jug stop hallucinating, your only hurting yourself even more”, he sobbed barely audible

“Juggie you're not hallucinating, I’m right here okay, I’m right here”, she got down on the ground next to him and hugged him.

“B-betty? I-i thought you l-l-left me, and...and...and realized you d-deserved better and…and-”

“Hey, no, I would never leave you willingly, okay? Never ever”, she cut off.

“Never ever? P-promise?”

“I promise”, she confirmed “Let’s go to bed okay? Your drowsy, so that’s why you probably think I left”


So Betty and Jughead got to her- no their room. Both with new knowledge, for Jughead it was knowing that his girlfriend won’t leave him, and for Betty, it was knowing that her boyfriend was a big baby sometimes and it was absolutely fucking adorable. But then Jellybean interrupted both of their thoughts.


Which was soon followed by a thud and the muffled sound of the older Jones man laughing then the muffled yelling of Betty’s mom.

“FP Jones get your ass back in bed, I’m fucking tired and I don’t want to deal with you complaining tomorrow that you got no damn sleep, you big baby!”

Betty was about to laugh until she heard snoring. She was still sitting up, back on the headboard, while Jughead was laying down arms around Betty’s waist with a firm hold and his face pressed, again, firmly on her torso. Even though Betty told him she wasn’t leaving, he didn’t want to risk it. The next morning Betty and Jughead would be going to Pop’s to hang out with the other well-known couple of Riverdale Varchie, Betty would tell Veronica and Archie about last night, Archie would laugh and poke fun at Jughead, Veronica would complain to Archie and ask why he wasn’t like that, and Jughead would claim that he didn’t remember it at all. But he actually did and remember it as the night Betty promised she would never leave, ever, but that’s tomorrow, right now all that mattered was Jelly and FP get their sleep otherwise they would complain, Alice had to get sleep or rest for tomorrow’s interview, and for Betty and Jughead to hold each other and never let go, cause if they did they wouldn’t know what they would be going through alone.

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