Calendar Girl

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    1959, good old 1959. It all started in January of that year when I met her. Weird how a greaser could fall in love with a soc, but I did. In February I asked her to be my Valintine, I took her to Pop’s and Sweetwater River ‘cause I couldn’t afford a lot. In March I told her that one day we’ll get married. She laughed and told me that she would kiss me like no tomorrow if it happened. In April I snuck in her window during Easter just to see her, I knew that she didn’t like the holidays with her family, neither did I. When May came around I asked her to prom, even though the best I could pull off was a white shirt, boots, and blue jeans. June I asked her to go on a ride with me, she said yes, and we snuck out of her window to my dad’s truck. She told her parents that she was at her friends for a few days. In July we snuck away from the Fourth of July parade to Sweetwater River to see the fireworks. Just the look of awe on her face made me feel like a firework. August we went to the beach, our friends covered for us. There were a lot of people there but the only people there in my eyes were her and me. September we spent her 18th birthday together, I lit her candles ‘cause I was the only one who had a lighter. In October she dressed me up as Romeo ‘cause she was Juliet, since then I’ve been calling her Juliet. November I told my dad about her, he was okay with it but told me not to keep my hopes up. Finally, in December I told her I loved her, Christmas I snuck in her window to give her her present. A calendar of 1959, each month and day marked with an important milestone in our relationship.

She asked me if I thought it was time to tell her parents, I said yes, and I did. When I and Mr. Cooper were alone I asked him something that would change all of our lives. The next day I took her to Pop’s, where we met. I got down on one knee and told her this:

“Remember when I told you that I would marry you one day? Well, Juliet, that day is soon, I know it’s early but I couldn’t wait anymore, I love you too much. I don’t care if we came from different worlds, so my lovely, little calendar girl, will you marry me?”

My baby started crying, she first nodded then squealed yes. And that’s how I met Betty Cooper, how I spent 1959. The first good year of many. I remember how she would hold my hand, how she would kiss me, and how, with her last breath, she said everything will be okay and that she loved me with everything she had.

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