Juliet's Hero

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When I drove to the elementary school to pick up my daughter I noticed she didn’t look very happy. Even when she saw my car, normally Betty picks her up from school, I rarely do it because I’m still at work, but I got off early. I pulled up and she got into her booster seat.

“Hey Juliet, what's wrong honey?” I asked my 7 year old daughter.

“At school we’re supposed to pick someone we look up to, my teacher called it the “Hero Project”, but I have so many people I look up to! There’s mommy, Uncle Sweets, Pen, you, grandpa, grandma Ali, Aunty Jelly, Uncle Fangs, Uncle Kevin, Aunty V, Uncle Arch, Uncle Reggie, Uncle Monroe, Aunty Toni, and Aunty Cher! I can’t pick!” She said and threw her hands up being dramatic.

“Well, I’ll shorten the list for you” I said looking at her through the rear view mirror “do not do what Uncle Sweets, Uncle Arch, and Uncle Reggie do, they are all idiots okay, Uncle Monroe, Uncle Kevin, Uncle Fangs, grandpa, Pen, and me are the only smart one’s out of the guys. Don’t listen to Aunty Jelly, and Aunty Toni they will get you to do dumb things, mommy, Aunty V, Aunty Cher, and grandma Ali are the nice and smart ones, Aunty Jelly and Aunty Toni are smart but they’ll trick you. So that leaves me, mommy, Pen, grandpa, grandma Ali, Aunty V, Aunty Cher, Uncle Monroe, Uncle Fangs, and Uncle Kevin.”

“But it’s still a long list daddy! I have to interview my “hero” too! And it’s due in a day, and I don’t think that I’ll be able to do that in a day!” She exclaimed again.

“Then you got thinking time and interview time. When we get home how about we go on a short walk through the park after dinner and see if you got any ideas, I do the same thing when I get writers block or I need to think, well other than cuddling with your mom”

“Eww, daddy! I don’t need to hear that lovey dovey stuff! It’s gross!”

“Well Juls I would say wait until you get a boyfriend, but me, grandpa, your brother, and your uncles would never allow that”

“Well that’s just unfair! Even though that stuff is gross, it's not fair Pen gets a girlfriend!”

“Well you don’t know this but your mom and your aunts threatened to kill her if she hurts him”

Me and Juliet continued our conversation all the way to the house. I parked my car next to Betty’s in the driveway, got out, and unbuckled Juliet from her booster. I held her hand and backpack all the way to the front door, we were immediately greeted by Hot Dog the II and the smell of Betty’s cooking and baking.

“Take off your shoes then go wash your hands okay Juls”

“Kay daddy”

She then ran off to the downstairs bathroom to wash her hands, I took off my shoes and walked into the kitchen to see a pregnant Betty cooking dinner and preparing another batch of cookies. I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“How was your day Jug?”



“I had to bail Sweets out of jail, then Pen and his friends dumped paint on a serpent that was pissing them off, so I had to deal with that, then my editor decided that I needed to rewrite most of my book, which might I add was like being slapped in the face, I almost freaking beat the guy! Then I picked Juliet up, she was having troubles deciding who to pick as a role model for this school project. She started sounding like you when she ranted” I said as I put my head on her shoulder.


“Then I said we’ll go on a short walk after dinner to help her think”

“That sounds like a plan”

“When’s Pen supposed to be home?”

“After dinner, that is if the date goes well, I really don’t like this girl Jug” Betty sighed.

“I can tell, why don’t you like her Betts?”

“She just is always secretive around Pen, she barely even looks at him, I feel like she’s hiding something from Pen, she just makes me uneasy”

“Well try not to stress over it to much baby”

“I’ll try not to,” Betty sighed.

*Time skip: After dinner Betty, Jughead, and Juliet are going on a walk, Pen is still on his date*

“Daddy! I still have no idea who to pick!”

“It's okay sweetheart, I’m sure you’ll figure it out, after all you, Pen, and daddy are the smartest people I know” Betty said kissing the top of Juliet’s head.

Then seemingly out of nowhere a man in all black snatched Juliet and held a switchblade to her throat, I immediately went into “Serpent dad” mode as Betty calls it.

“Let my fucking daughter go” I growled at the man, Betty was behind me sobbing.

“Give me your wallets right now!” He said adding more pressure on Juliet’s throat.

Juliet kicked the guy, causing him to be distracted for a few minutes, long enough for me to disarm him. I twisted his arm behind his back and kicked the back of his legs making him kneel. Juliet ran to Betty as fast as she could, both were hysterical.

“Do you have any idea who I am?!” I growled loudly, the man shook his head in response and was scared to speak.

“I’m the goddamn Serpent King, and if you even come NEAR my family again, I will fucking end your lousy life. Now get out of my sight, ya’ fucking bastard”

I let go of his arm and kicked his back. I looked up to Betty and Juliet, Juliet was faced away from me and Betty’s hands were covering her ears. I walked up to Betty and Juliet and held them close to me. I look down to see Juliet smiling?

“Why are you smiley Juls?” I asked her, a frown on my face from confusion.

“I know who I’m gonna pick for my project!”

“Really? Who is it baby?” Betty asked her.

“DADDY!” Her smile grew.

I had my own smile on my face, and my daughter decided to write about me for her hero project. We walked home, Juliet decided to change the Spider-Man song to fit me. Betty thought it was adorable, I couldn’t agree less. I was my little Juliet’s hero.

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