You're a Bad Cook

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    “JUGGIEEEEEEEE!!!” Betty whined from their bed room, she was wrapped in a blanket cocoon.

“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Jughead called back running up the stairs.

Jughead walked into the room to see tissues everywhere, Betty wrapped up in blankets, and their Vicks steam vaporizer on. Jughead sighed, he knew exactly what was happening. Not too long ago he was sick, now Betty had it.

“Let me guess, you're sick?” He sighed once more.

She nodded and grabbed another tissue. He ran his fingers through his hair and thought of what he should do first.

“Betty, I told you not to look after me”

“Well what did you excerpt me to do, just let you lay and suffer?” She argued back, her congested nose messing with her pronunciation.

    “Okay, okay, I get it,” Jughead said, not wanting to get into an argument while she was sick “now I’m going to clean up here so-”

He was soon interpreted by Betty rushing to the bathroom to, well, vomit. He groaned, hoping she got it all in the toilet, and proceeded to clean up their bedroom. He placed all of the tissues in a plastic bag and refilled the vaporizer. He walked into the living room closet, where they kept their movies, and grabbed all of her favorites. When he got back up-stairs Betty was back in her blanket cocoon, he placed one of the DVD’s in the DVD player and switched the T.V. on.

“Thank you Juggie” she said.

“Aww, baby, you don’t have to thank me, tis my duty to care for you,” he said playfully, making himself sound like a valiant knight.

“My hero” she giggled in reply.

Betty eventually passed out, she refused to let Jughead cuddle her. Saying that she didn’t want him to get it again, he knew he wouldn’t though, it was quite rare for him to get sick at all. When dinner time was close, Betty was still asleep, so Jughead figured her would make her some soup. He made it to the kitchen as quietly as he could. He knew how Betty was when she was sick, it made her seem like a child, but really he was the same way. He opened the lazy suzan to reveal all of the canned foods, he kept turning it until he found the chicken soup.

Jughead was never really experienced in the kitchen, none of the Joneses were. He remembered one year when he tried to make his dad a birthday cake, he was maybe 9, it didn’t end very well. Not too long ago his dad almost set Alice’s kitchen on fire just by making sandwiches. Now his sister was an entirely different story, whenever his sister tried it would come out on fire or burnt.

He nearly tore the kitchen apart looking for the can opener,he knew Betty would get mad if she saw any of it, so he made a mental note to clean up later. Now opening the can was different, he didn’t really know if there was a specific end that he should open, or really how to use the can opener. He did eventually figure it out, he grabbed a pot from the hangers above the kitchen island and placed it on a burner. He dumped the soup in and read the instructions on the side.

“Fill the can with water? You have to do that?” He mumbled to himself, as he was grabbing a spoon to stir the soup with.

He did everything the can told him to do, he even watched the soup to make sure it didn’t overcook. When he was finished he was proud of himself, it looked great. He smiled and nodded to himself, placed a spoon in the soup, and ran up the stairs carefully. When he entered their bedroom he noticed Betty wasn’t there, he was concerned for a minute but relaxed when he heard gagging noises from their bathroom. He once again felt the hope that Betty got it all in the toilet, he placed the soup on the bedside table and entered the bathroom to hold Betty’s hair for her.

“You good?” He asked, after she was done.

She only nodded back, not feeling like talking. He helped her back into the bedroom. And turned on another movie for her. When he handed her the soup she looked almost hesitant, but ate the soup anyways. She ate all of it and rubbed her eyes.

“You tired?” He asked.

“Yeah,” she replied quietly “you’re a bad cook” she yawned, just before she passed out.

He chuckled and shook his head, he grabbed the empty bowl and the spoon. He once again exited the room with a large amount of caution. He didn’t want to make her grumpy, and a sick grumpy Betty was scarier than Alice herself. He placed the dishware in the dishwasher, adn walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. He pulled out his computer, out of all of what has happened today he had a new idea for a character that was missing from his new book.

The next day Betty was fine, when she walked down the stairs she noticed her husband sitting on the couch, fast asleep, and his computer wide open. She smiled at her husband, but that simple quickly disappeared when she saw the kitchen.


Jughead woke with a start, he may or may not have forgotten to clean the kitchen.

“Well you see, about that, ummm…” he said before he bolted up the stairs.

(a/n This boi was a request from WildAnimalGaming7, thank you for the request, I was falling short of ideas :p -S)

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