Don't You Dare Deny It

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My raging fever wasn’t going down at all and  I had only 2 more hours before my date with Betty. I had to go on that date, it would be our first one after I had “died”. I had my sister help me out though, my nose was brighter than Rudolph’s so my sister got some concealer on my nose. Then she practically demanded that I wore one of my thicker jackets because it could help muffle my coughs and keep me warm. JB was demanding when we were kids but this is a whole other level. She also told me to take the truck not the motorcycle because I might sneeze and crash, it would be less fatal in the truck than the bike.

I waited for Betty at the bottom of the steps, when she came down I swear the redness of my cheeks and nose tripled by the sight of her. Her dress was perfect for fall, the light green color made her eyes more vibrant, the slight redness of her lips shimmered in the artificial lighting in the house, her blonde hair was cascaded on her shoulders, and the natural blush on her face grew brighter when her gaze caught mine. This was going to be hard not to touch her or kiss her at all tonight, after all, I don’t want to get her sick.

“Wow Betty, you look beautiful” I sighed, trying to hide the distortion in my voice caused by my stuffy nose.

“Thank you Juggie” she giggled at me.

I opened the front door for her and yelled that I and Betty were leaving to inform my dad and her mom. I inhaled the combo of Betty’s floral perfume and the fresh fall air and followed her to the truck. I opened the passenger seat for her and got in the driver's seat.

“Sooo, what do you have planned?” Betty asked, after a moment of comfortable silence.

“Oh, you’ll find out,” I said, a small amount of excitement in my voice.

“Bet your ass I will”

I laughed at her reference to her detective skills, and soon after she started guessing. With each destination, she said I simply replied with a ‘you’ll see’. It drove her nuts, but she still went at it. When we pulled up to the familiar parking lot of Pop’s Chocklit Shoppe Betty gave me a confused expression. I coughed but quickly covered it up with a laugh. She didn’t notice, thankfully.

“I thought Pop’s was closed today”

“Betty, Betty, did you forget the teen gathering place lies beneath Pop’s?” I smirked, my throat became dry and I knew I needed to get inside real quick or I’ll have a coughing fit.

Her eyes lit up and she smiled, I resisted the need to chuckle so I didn't start coughing. When we got inside I held Betty’s hand and led her to the beginning of the line and were greeted by Toni.

“Hey Toni, I got a VIP reservation”

“Name?” Toni said in a joking manner.

“Haha” I replied with sarcasm.

Betty giggled, and Toni showed us in. We went down the stairs to the hostess’s reservation podium. Veronica noticed us and smirked at me, she walked over to us and told us to follow her to our table.

“What can I get you two lovebirds started with?”

“Water,” I said quickly while trying to suppress my coughing.

“How bout you B?”

“A coke is good,” Betty said, slight concern in her eyes.

“Alright, also tonight Cheryl is supposed to be performing, so feel free to go on the dance floor, after all, it is date night for most teens,” Veronica said before giving me that same smug look that she did when we entered.

When Veronica came back with our drinks I practically chugged the glass of water as soon as it was placed on the table. I saw Betty’s eyebrows furrow in concern but brushed it off. Things were going great until my nose was really bothering me, I rushed to the men’s room and blew my nose, still stuffed. I stuck some tissues up my nose and waited for a while before removing them, then I rushed back to our table. Well, that was a bad idea, I started having a coughing fit.

“Juggie, are you okay?” Betty said before placing her hand on my forehead.

I flinched back, but it was too late. She knew something was up.

“Jug, you’re burning up, are you okay,” she said frantically in worry.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” I said with a chuckle that was followed by a cough.

“Nope, don’t you dare deny it, we are going home and I’m going to make soup, and get the vaporizer out, and get the blankets, and get all of the good movies, then you are going to bed” she ranted as she grabbed my bicep and dragged me out after paying our minimal bill.

She practically pushed me in the passenger seat and buckled me up. She then grabbed the keys out of my jacket pocket and got to the driver’s side and started my dad’s old truck. There was an awkward scilence now, completely different from the drive to Pop’s.

“I’m sorry Betty”

She sighed and quickly looked at me before returning her gaze on the road.

“I’m not necessarily mad Jug, I just wish you would have told me, we could have postponed the date.”

“I know, but I didn’t want you to be disappointed that we couldn’t go, this is our first date after I had ‘died’”

“Yes it is, but your health comes first Juggie, I don’t want you getting worse”


She sighed again, I honestly felt like a little kid right now.

“I love you so much Juggie, I’m just worried about your health okay? I’m not mad”

“I love you too” I smiled.

The rest of the night Betty set up our room for my temporary needs. She dug around in the hallway closet for the vaporizer and extra blankets, raided the DVD rack for some classic movies she knew I liked, armed our bedside table will box upon box of tissues, and force-feed me some of the coughing and cold medicine that was stored in the hallway bathroom. I wasn’t really that fond of the flavor of that medicine, and it made my mouth feel weird. Betty laughed at the face of disgust I made after she jammed a spoonful of the thick liquid in my mouth. But the best part by far was when she made me homemade chicken soup for dinner, she giggled when I practically inhaled it all. But the worst part was that I couldn’t hug touch Betty, meaning she had to sleep in the guest room. We watched a few movies before I dozed off, but I felt her placing some of the blankets on me and kissing my forehead.

(a/n This fluffy boi was requested by @WildAnimalGaming7 , there were so many ideas in my head for this request but this was the eventual winner -S)

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