Give Me the Coffee

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Betty sighed when she saw Jughead in the Blue and Gold office, the reason why was because he was A) jittery B) had dark bags under his eyes C) was still wearing the clothes from yesterday and D) he was nursing yet another cup of coffee. There were already so many empty disposable coffee cups from Pop’s all over his desk, some were from the teacher’s lounge. His laptop was wide open as he frantically was going through evidence and typing, possibly editing things he previously wrote.

Betty opened the door and walked to her desk to put away her backpack. She picked up the small trash can beside her desk and cleared all the coffee cups on the boy’s desk.

“Jug how many did you have?”

No response.


Once again, no response.

“JUGHEAD JONES!” She yelled at her boyfriend, he jumped in his chair.

“Oh hey Betty, didn’t see you, have you been on our docs yet? There are some little details that we forgot, but I don’t understand how we did, did you know that the school website misspelt the name of the Blue and Gold, they should re-”

“Jughead how many cups of coffee did you have?”

HE was silent and blinking rapidly.

“You're supposed to keep track of that?” He asked.

Betty faceplamed and groaned.

“Did you get any sleep?”

“Pssssh, who needs sleep? I got caffeine and a source of blue light, I will never sleep again” he said sounding like a little kid, well at this point, high on caffeine, he was a child.

“Jughead your going home and getti-”


“Excuse me? Did you just refuse sleep? You are a smart person Jug so you know the damn importance of sleep”

“I said no,” he said before taking a sip of his coffee.

Betty glared at him and snatched his coffee out of his hands and went to the restroom to dump it. He ran after her, not as fast though because even if he was on a caffeine high his body was still sleepy, ultimately betraying him.

“Betty wait please! Don’t get rid of my coffee, it needs me!” he said, sounding slightly crazy.

“The coffee doesn't need you Jughead, and you don’t need it, you need sleep!” she said speed walking to the restroom.

The rest of the day Jughead was craving coffee and Betty made sure he didn’t get any, that is until after school. During the core four’s normal after school hangout they would get shakes, but Veronica didn’t want a shake. She wanted coffee, normally she would drink it with sugar and creamer along with just a splash of milk, why was Jug drank it dark “like his soul”. He said that once on a caffeine high.

When Jughead heard the word coffee he stopped his daydream. And when the drinks and the food were brought to the table Jughead made a quick move.

“Give me the damn coffee” he demanded the waiter.

And so the waiter did, afraid of the crazed look on Jughead’s face.

“Jug you don’t even like milk, sugar, and creamer in your coffee, what the hell is wrong with you?” Veronica asked him as he literally cugged the cup.

“I was deprived of said drink by my highly concerned girlfriend, that’s why” he said, whipping the evidence of the drink on his face with his sleeve.

“Great here we go again” Betty sighed as she saw Jughead start getting jittery and bouncy in the booth

“I feel like running the cross country track at school lets go!” He yelled as he jumped out of the booth and went in the direction of the school.

This was short lived though, he collapsed the third time around the track and was brought back to the Cooper house. Dealing with hyper Jughead was always a new experience no matter how many times Betty has dealt with it.

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