The Serpent Prince

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I knew I was at the bar when the neon lights of alcohol companies were nearly blinding. I pulled into the parking lot and clipped off my helmet, still straddling my motorbike. I looked up to see only a very faded sign that read “Whyte Wyrm”. I sighed and looked at my watch ‘almost time’ I thought to myself, I popped my knuckles and walked in. It was rather dark other than the neon lights and what seemed to be faded Christmas lights. The noise of clinking glasses, arcade games, people talking, and the out-dated rock music filled my ears, I breathed in the smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and (sadly) sweat, I exhaled and walked to the bar. I notice a girl my age cleaning shot glasses with her back turned against me, from what I could see the tips of her hair where dyed pink, a leather jacket that had a snake-like emblem that said “Southside Serpents”, shorts, fishnet stockings, and combat boots, I take a deep breath one last time and remind myself that I’m only doing this so I can start again and forget everything. I pull up a chair and sit down.

“Hey.” She then turns towards me.


“I’m one of the new guys tonight, I’m not sure where to go.”

“Don’t worry about it, I’m supposed to take care of the newbies anyway, I’m assuming you're Betty.”

“ That’s me.”

“Nice, I’m Toni by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Toni.”

“Likewise,” She then points past me “See that stage over there?”

I looked to where she was pointing, there were three poles, the middle one was more front stage than the other two.

“You're booked front and center, so I hope you can strip because everyone is gonna be looking.”

“Just give me a shot, and I’ll be good” 

She simply nods, grabs a shot glass from a towel on the counter, pulls a bottle off a shelf, fills the small glass, and hands it to me. I do it as fast as I can, only a few seconds later I feel the burn of it down my throat. Toni then motions me to follow her, we walk through a sea of drunk or high gang members, men and the occasional woman whistling, hooting, and howling at the strippers who were already at the right and left poles. She leads me to what seems to be a dressing room, then turns and looks at me.

“So you already got your outfit?”


“Good, you’ll be getting your tattoo later tonight by Fangs, unless Jug or FP wants to, don’t worry about Fangs, but if Jughead or FP wants to do your tattoo then worry a little bit, kay?”

“Got it.”

“Good, I’ll be the one introducing you cause Jug and FP are busy, but after I say your name get on stage.”


Toni then nods and turns to walk to the door, when she’s gone I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding when I hear the fuzz of a microphone I get ready

“Guys and gals, mostly guys by the looks of it…” There were a few laughs, Toni continued “I would like to introduce Betty Cooper a new Serpent!”

Everyone cheers and I get onto the stage the song Immortals by Fall Out Boy was soon playing on the speakers. A bit into my dance and I notice two men walk down the stairs, the one in front looked around his forties he had greying black hair that was slicked back and a beard, blue jeans, biker boots, a leather jacket that was slightly different than everyone else, and a basic black t-shirt, the guy behind him was a younger version of the guy in front except his hair wasn’t slicked back and he had no beard, he looked around my age a year older possibly, his style was much more different than the man in front of him he still had a leather jacket, his hair was more fluffy it was accompanied by what seemed to be a crown-shaped beanie, he had a faded blue flannel tied around his waist, a strange t-shirt that had an ‘S’ printed on it, dark skinny jeans, and black Doc Martens. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off of him, our eyes locked for a minute, my breathing hitched and my heartbeat quickened. He then walked up to the bar and started talking to Toni and pointed to me, by the looks of it she sighed and nodded. My thoughts were interrupted when the song ended, the older man that was walking down the stairs was now slightly jogging down a path made by the other serpents. He got on the stage and grabbed a microphone and leather jacket that was handed to him by a redhead who looked around my age as well.

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