The Jones Genes

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"HEY BETTY DO WE GOT ANY CHIPS?" I was very hungry after work.







"NO SNACKS" Betty confirmed.

I walked into the living room, Betty was on the couch watching a movie. She looked adorable wrapped in blankets, her baby bump slightly evident, and mouthful of the last handful of popcorn.

"Well where are all the snacks?"

"Gone", she said simply.

"Why are they all gone?"

"Why do you think?"

"Well I know I didn't eat them that fast, unless I'm sleep eating, but how did two weeks of food just disappear"

"Your not the only Jones under this roof", Betty said looking up at me "This damn baby has your fucking genes already, I like to call them 'The Jones Genes'"

"What?", I said with a slight chuckle.

"You heard me, 'The Jones Genes', things you and your dad and sometimes your sister like, do, and act"

"What are these 'Jones Genes' then?" I said using air quotations on the "Jones Genes" part.

"Extreme hunger, high metabolism, hate for athletics, sarcasm, anger issues-"

"I do not have anger issues"

"Chuck, Brett, Archie, and your dad would say otherwise, anyways, ways with words-"

"Ways with words?"

"I would say writing but your dad and sister don't do that stuff, but both of them have convinced me to buy them or something, or do the chores that my mom put on them, and you oooo, your like the master at that, it's hot but annoying at the same time, love for flannels, old music, motorcycles, Smith women-"

"Wait, wait, what? Smith women"

"Uhh yeah, your dad likes my mom, you loooove me, Smith women also have a gene thing, one of them is liking the Jones men, then there are some other things that aren't as ya' know good, like the alcohol issue, that's why I don't like you drinking, you have genes that could be easily triggered and cause alcoholism"

"Yeah that makes sense", I said just now realizing that fact

"And I think that's it! I'm telling you Jug, the fourth here is gonna have 'The Jone Genes', hell he already does, why do you think the snacks. The both of you will be the death of me and our bank account."

I laughed, she was craving Pop's so we got into the car and she continued her rant about all the things our baby is going to inherit and she "knows it". I love Betty Cooper soon Jones, she's the most perfect woman, and I know she hates that word but she just is. I can't believe she wants to be with me and we're starting a family.

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