Dating Problems

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I and Betty were cuddled up on the couch, Juliet was with our parents and Pen was on a date or something with his girlfriend. The problem is Betty doesn’t trust this girl what so ever. We were just watching a classic movie when we suddenly interrupted by a slam at the front door, Pen walked passed the living room avoiding our gaze, and ran up the stairs to his room. Then there was silence, normally when Pen got home there would be the faint taps of his electric drum set, but tonight there was nothing. That’s how Betty and I knew something was wrong, I paused the movie.

    “Should we go check on him?” I whispered to Betty.

    She nodded mouthful of popcorn, I got up from the couch and went upstairs Betty following. I knocked on his door and received nothing in response, I knocked again, I was answered by a harsh opening of the door.

“What?” Pen said.

Immediately me and Betty’s facial expressions turned from worried to confused. Pen was covered in cuts and bruises, he looked pissed and that wasn’t normal for him, he was normally calm. Like me, as Betty says.

“Pen, what happened to you, honey?” Betty asked, her motherly instincts kicked.

“Nothing mom,” he said bluntly

“Nothing my ass, common’ I’ll clean your cuts,” she said gently wiping away a small drop of blood coming off of a cut on his cheek.

“Fine” he huffed.

Betty walked to the bathroom and grabbed one of the many first aid kits we have. Pen walked back into his room and sat down on the bed Bett sat next to him, I stayed leaning on the door frame.

“What happened buddy?” I asked.

“Jessica and the guy she was cheating with” he mumbled.

Betty’s expression quickly became angry, still focused on the injuries on our son.

“Can you tell us what happened?” I said.

“I was walking to her place to pick her up then I noticed her window was open and I saw her kissing another guy, so I knocked on her door and that same guy answered. Jessica came running out claiming that he was just a study buddy that was just leaving, I said bullshit-”

“Language” Betty mumbled placing a butterfly bandaid on his cut eyebrow.

“And I saw them making out through her window, the guy said something that pissed me off so I may have started a fight with him”

“How did you get so many cuts though”

“Jessica tried to get me off of him and used her nails, then me and the guy may have tumbled into Jessica’s mom’s garden gnomes”

“At least you didn’t use the switchblade” I sighed.

“All done,” Betty said “now if you don’t mind I have a bitch to kill,” she said as she casually walked out of the room.

“Ah-ah-ah that’s not happening, no killing until the baby’s born,” I said referring to Betty’s pregnancy.

“Yeah I prefer it if you not mom, she may have been cheating on me but we still haven’t officially broken up yet”

“Speaking of that, Betty I can I talk to Pen alone?”

“Of course” her expression softening.

She left and closed the door behind her. I walked in and sat down on the bed beside Pen. I sighed and looked down at my hands, we sat in silence for a while, until I spoke first.

“You know you can’t stay in this relationship right?”

“I know, I already forgave her for so many things, the first time was when she ghosted me for like months, I don’t know why I keep on trying to save our relationship when she isn’t even doing her part in it” Pen sighed, running his hands through his hair.

“Pen, listen, I will admit me and your mother haven’t really had these issues, yes sometimes we disagree with each other but that’s normal, now the constant fights, ghosting, and cheating from Jessica are not a normal thing in a good relationship. You can’t save something that was destined to crash in the first place. I’m not saying your guyses relationship was a trainwreck from the beginning, but it wasn’t going to last”

“Yeah” he sighed.

“Pen get out of the relationship, mourn for a small amount of time, then move on, take up a new hobby, hang out more with your friends, hell find someone new, just get back to being you

“Thanks, dad”

“Anytime buddy,” I said as I got up and ruffled his hair, I opened the door and yelled, “Betty I’m hungry!”

“Me too” Pen yelled after me.

“Of course you are, damn Jones hunger” Betty yelled back “how about Pop’s?” She yelled approaching the stairs.

“Let me guess the baby is hungry too,” I said.

“Damn straight! Now get your shoes on we have to get Juls before we get to Pop’s”

*Time skip: at Pop’s*

“Then grandpa accidentally set lunch on fire, then grandma chased him around with the ladle” Juliet giggled as she sipped her milkshake.

“Ya know even though you guys are food-obsessed you just can’t cook” Betty sighed referring to me, my dad, and Pen.

The bell rang and Pen looked up and saw Jessica, he sighed and got up from our booth and walked up to her. Whatever he said she nodded to and followed him outside, they were talking then it turned into an argument, it was loud enough to know they were yelling but muffled enough to not be able to tell what they were saying. Pen shook his head and walked back inside and plopped back next to Juliet.

“So what happened?” I asked.

“I told her that she didn’t need to stop the thing that was going on with that guy because I was done with her” he replied smiling.


“She claimed that I’ll come back running and I looked her straight in the eye and said tell me you’re not using me, she just stayed silent and I left”

“You did good buddy,” I said grabbing one of Betty’s fries.

She smacked my hand and took the fry away from me.

“What?” I questioned.

“No taking my damn fries Jones,” Betty said squinting her eyes at me.

Juliet burst into a fit of laughter and Pen shook his head smiling.

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