Serenity Within

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Havri Vocski Aphelion. The Commander of the Sin of Wrath, and the Head of Asia.


Everything is a mess.

She hates every mess for it could remind her of the past that she's trying to forget.

Everything will be a mess if Havri will lose her patience, so she must keep herself cool and calm. She's not the Sinner of Wrath for nothing, after all.

Came from a wealthy family, has lovable parents, a loyal friend and a huge company to work on, what more could she ask?

But, what if her normal yet boring life became a mess, just because of one person?

What if her life would never be the same the moment she laid her eyes on her so-called 'Boss'?

Did that person really messed her life? Or she helped the Sinner of Wrath to find the serenity within herself, that no one has ever done?

How come that Havri came to love who is messed up?


"It's hard to make her calm, but with just one touch— the beast can turn into an angel."



Sinners Organization have existed since the ancient times. It was founded by the royalties Zyn, Banesworth, and Venturison, who are still carrying out their ancestor's will and perception of the brutal world until now.

Peace. It is the primary goal of the Organization. They kill people for peace. They kill those who committed/committing unforgivable crimes that destroyed the lives of people. They pass judgement upon them. They sin against the sinners of the world.

Selection. It is the process of selecting those who are worth to be a Sinner. Most of them had trained and experienced life and death situation at the age of seven as they are required to be a Sinner.

Sinners. They are the Sinners who went through hell to achieve their position. They are separated into the positions of being a 4th rank Sinner, the lowest rank. The 3rd rank Sinner, 2nd rank Sinner, and the 1st rank Sinner, the highest of them.

Commanders. The terrifyingly dangerous ones, known as the Seven Deadly Sinners. They lead each continent of the world and proudly holds a Sin. They are the ones who must not be triggered, because they can smile at people's despair. They are selected and trained by the Sin herself, as the original ones died. Seven people for the seven continent, perfectly suited for the position.

The Sin. If you think that the Commanders are terrifying enough, it's better to think again. The most cruel one whose soul was crushed and shattered into pieces. The one who walks into the path of darkness. The one who brings despair to anyone. The Commander of the Seven Deadly Sinners and the rest of all the Sinners, from the great family of Zyn.

Founders. They are known as the Rulers. They lead the Organization and is separated into three parts: The Brain, Body, and Heart.

The 1st Ruler is the Zyn. They are the Body of the Organization and the ones who are responsible for the Sinners. They are the force and the strongest.

The 2nd Ruler is the Banesworth. They are the Brain of the Organization and the ones who are responsible for giving the orders and tasks. They implement laws.

The 3rd Ruler is the Venturison. They are the Heart of the Organization and the ones who are responsible for giving the weapons and necessities of the Organization. They provide what is needed.

Nobles, commoners, royalties, slaves— anyone can be a Sinner. They are never an ordinary people. Anyone can be a part of the majestic Organization.

They are not the heroes who wants to save the world, but the villains who took a different path to achieve what they wanted.

They enjoy violence.

They laugh at your despair.

They crave for blood.

They are unstoppable.

Can you possibly handle their insanity?

Serenity Within (Seven Deadly Sinners #1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora