《C H A P T E R T W E N T Y - T H R E E》

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Kiara's POV

My dad slammed his hand on the office desk and said, 'I am in absolute disbelief about the disaster you guys have the company in, you guys have been in charge for a few months and you mean to tell me millions of dollars are already missing, I'm sorry hundreds of millions.'

I was about to butt in because he was wrong very wrong. The money wasn't stolen whilst Marc and I were in charge, it was stolen before us Andrew and I had just found out in past financial documents that came from the London Branch. He looked at me telling me to keep quiet and I decided to do just that keep quiet.

He was fuming and he took a deep breathe and said, 'I believe I made the right decision here with the two of you. Fucking fix this.'

He got up and walked out and slammed the office door behind him. I couldn't help but roll my eyes and Marcello turned to me and said, 'We are fixing this to embarass uncle right?'

I nodded and said, 'Damn right.'

We shared a high five and he said, 'Okay right, let's get going then. We are leaving for London at five pm so let's tie up loose ends so when we get there we are done and we are handling business.'

We went to our different offices and I started putting all my documents together and in order. I had already figured out who was stealing and how and all we had left to do was to handle the people involved and get people to replace those employees. Marcello and I decided that we might as well check out the entire branch.

I heard the door open and I heard Jamie say, 'Boss.'

Lately Jamie had been trying out different names to call me and she wanted me to embrace them all so that's what I was doing. I looked up and Jamie said, 'Mr Bianchi said I should ask you if you want my assistance with you in London.'

I hummed and said, 'Do you want to take a trip to London because I don't mind you coming?'

She seemed excited and she gave me a bug smile and she whispered, 'Yes please.'

I nodded, my phone pinged and it was a message from Marcello telling me we should leave to pack because we are taking off soon. I looked up at her from my phone and I said, 'Well we better leave now so we can pack we need to be at the tarmac at five.'

She nodded and I said, 'Do you want me to give you a ride because we need to get ready for the trip?'

She frantically nodded and said, 'Oh yes please.'

Jamie rushed out to pack what she needed for the trip from her desk. I smiled and started packing all my drawing materials, my iPad, laptop and the financial documents I wanted physical copies of.

I heard a knock on the door and the person didn't wait for a come in and walked in. I turned around and it was Andrew and he seemed to have all of his stuff ready. I gave him a brief smile and turned around and continued to pack and said, 'Are we going to not tell your father that the money was stolen when he was still CEO because he came and gave me a lecture?'

I picked up all my stuff and we left my office together and I locked the door. Andrew and I walked to the exclusive elevator and I said, 'No we are just going to fix it and embarass him. '

He nodded and said, 'Gotcha. '

We exited the building and I went to my car where Jamie was waiting. I unlocked the car for her and she got in and I turned to Andrew and he said, 'See you in like two hours?'

I nodded and said, 'Exactly.'

From my peripheral view I saw Kieran coming in this direction. My eyes widened and I said, 'Andrew don't look but Kieran is coming.'

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