Fight Club Part 1

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Getting into the place wasn't so hard. Uzui sneaked in first, he talked his way in. Befriending with the guard was not even a task for him. The shinobi slipped right through.

For the four of you, well, you got a premium pass for this event. Since you're the starring characters in this twisted movie. As soon as the guard spotted the group of highschool students, he took his phone and after alerting, he let the four of you in.

The inside wasn't a bar at all. Not even a brothel. It was true that drugs and alcohol were present, like coffee and bread in a cafeteria. Everyone had one bottle in hands, one glass filled with different beverages. There were even people sniffing on the table. In this place is the normal sight.

Lascivious eyes were upon the four of them. Men and women alike. Four teens walking around in such dangerous establishment? They are just the perfect prey, right? You can fool them with ease, drag them into the shadows and play them until they break like a toy. When their parents got any idea of what happened to them, it will be to late, they'll be buried or chopped into pieces in the best scenarios if not they would be sold as slaves or something along the lines.

In the middle of everything you saw it. The crowd roared and cheered. A circle of people, drunk and drugged or a mix of both enjoyed the spectacle. They hold their money up high, some shouted curses, others were savoring victory already. This was no normal entertainment, there were no naked woman nor dance floors, this place allowed and sponsored the most primitive way of amusement in history of humanity.

Violence. A fight club (Author note: remember the first rule).

Or more accurate to say an illegal fighting pit. This was more dangerous, it had just one rule: everything goes as long as it isn't guns. Blunt, piercing and slashing weapons were permitted. Not even the audience cared about this, while blood and gore could be seen, they just go with the flow, if you're lucky you can earn some coin while betting.

A fight was taking place. Two tough looking men fought. One of the had chains wrapped around his fists, he had a well built body and used the Thailand's specialty to fight.

The other one was a overweight man. He had tattoos all around his body. No matter his condition, he absorbed every punch, knee and kick that flew to him. It was like an invincible mass of fat.

"What is this place?" Asked Nezuko sith trembling hands, reaching for your arm. This at least granted a faint sensation of security.

"Not a place where we should be." Tanjiro answered, he carried a katana on his hands.

Tomioka Giyu ordered that he should take the weapon with him. It wasn't the time to think twice. If he can fight, he will. Even the boar had a pair of strange-looking swords with him. You passed on them, since there's no better weapon than your body. It would be a waste to not get a chance to demonstrate the result of the rehabilitation and 'that'.

"What now?" Inosuke asked.

"We wait. Since the guard already informed about us, the main event will begin." You snickered "I hope that Uzui-san will do his part."

"Giyu-san will come at any time." Tanjiro cheered, more to himself than to others.

The crowd exploded into a mix of insults and praises. Muay Thai guy lost against the fatso, you never knew what will happen in this ring. Battles are never fair, you could end up against a man who is taller and heavier than you in more than one category. That was what put excitement into this. What if the underdog win? Everyone like to cheer for the weak.

A woman, wrapped in a provocative chinese red dress appeared from the roaring crowd. Her silver hair and lime eyes were more than enough to knew about who are we talking about. She's known as Warabihime. The princess and lady of this place.

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