Past Part 1

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"Hey, why don't you do something, nerd?"

The bullies wrecked havoc as they ganged upon the poor teen.

For Muzan Kibutsuji school life is hell, ever since first day he has been targeted by those who are stronger than him. Why? Because he is smart, frail and weak. The perfect target as cliche as it sounds. Even shen they have no reason to do it, they just do.

It's only to boost their egos.

"Now you're not that smart, huh?" Their faces twisted into a grin.

They enjoyed to see the "top" student of the academy grunting from pain.

"Ha! As if you apes can understand anything." Muzan shot a glare with his red blood eyes.

"What did you called us!?"

Before any of the thugs could even move a second teen made his entrance. A flying knee broke the nose of the leader. A crack was heard before he fell knocked out.

"Oi. Fucks, what did I say about picking on him?" The viper-like eyes shot a death stare to them "Shall I wipe the floor with your asses again?

"It's fuckin' Niko (LN)!" One of the called.

"Let's go!"

They all ran away leaving their boss behind. Loyalty is nothing when facing the strongest predator in the wilds. And when that come into the table then you sure are talking about Niko, the top dog of school.

"My, my. You're such an animal as ever, brother." Tamayo reprehends his stupid sibling while helping the beaten boy to get up.

He is always an unstoppable barbarian when it comes to fighting, after all he is the one and only heir of the Niko style.

"Huh? They are beating MY friend, I can't stay there without doing nothing." He crossed his arms over his chest "Those idiots thinks that he is just a weak and meek boy."

"I'm still here, you know?" Muzan hissed as he accepted the hand of the gorgeous girl.

"I know, that's why I said that." Niko smiled before walking away "You should teach them that you're not a weakling, in terms of strength you are far ahead from them."

Tamayo and Muzan followed him. Luck or curse? They've been together since they have memory, from kindergarten to highschool, even though Tamayo is one year younger than Niko, she has still share all the memories with both males. It all started when their fathers brought then together, since then a trio of friends was created.

Niko is the cool guy, strong, athletic and handsome. All muscle and instincts. The sword and shield of the party.

Muzan can be seen as the smart one. Still his looks are second to none. Deep crimson eyes, pale skin, fit yet not athletic body.

And to finish, the cherry of the cake. A gorgeous young girl, cute and graceful. A young lady with both looks and brain, she can compete with Muzan head to head when it comes to knowledge. Tamayo is her name.

"I'm not a barbarian like you." Kibutsuji said as he wiped the blood from his face "I prefer to remind them of their Ape intelligence."

"That's why they beat you, Muzan."

They walked side by side, yet, Kibutsuji never walked at the side of the window. Je alway took the way that is farther from the cristals, he did not wanted to be reached by the sunlight.

"I don't care if they beat me. Those punches feels like nothing." His red eyes studied the outdoors. As the weather forecast preview, there is clear skies.

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