Past Part 2

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It happened a late day of summer. Cicadas began to rise from underground under the heat of July and began their concert of screeching.

The (LN) family dojo became somewhat famous since the students began to win championship at prefecture level. Soon, they will aim to win a national tournament. It became a hot topic in no time with students from all around Tokyo.

It has been ten years since Niko and Tamayo graduated from highschool, since she pursued a career on the medical field, the man took over the dojo and became the next heir. Soon he got married and a child born from that love.

Eight years was your age when it happened. That day when you were coming back from playing with Ume-chan and Gyutaro-kun. The three of them exhausted and hungry. That day, in front of your house a black car was parked. It is unusual for someone to come in a vehicle.

As they made their way to the building, voices began to reach them, it was Niko and your family, they were having a conversation, a cherry one. It was weird hearing your dad laughing.

You decided to ignore it and go to your room with Ume-chan and Gyutaro-kun. Adult talks are boring.

Meanwhile at the living room. A man dressed in white suit took a sip from the cup of tea that his friend served to him.

"You still suck at preparing beverages." Muzan mocked his friend while pouring extra milk into the tea.

"Ha? Sorry for not being Tamayo, she is the one who knows how to do it." Niko (LN) retorted "She will come soon, you can ask her for some tea then."

"That's sexist you oppressor pig."

Both of them shared a laugh. After highschool, Muzan dissapeared. He left no trace nor clue behind. He had no family to return, the Kibutsuji vanished like ashes in the wind. And then he just came knocking to the front door, like nothing ever happened.

Lucky him that Niko is an idiot, his old friend greeted him with a hug and a smile. He didn't asked any question, instead he drove Muzan inside.

The problem lies on...

"Where is he!?" A woman barged in, her eyes rather calm, but the rest of her face at the verge of turning red on anger "I'm going to kill him with my hands."

Tamayo strode with large steps, if she were a giant mister attacking Tokyo for sure that she would wreck havoc as she made her way to the city. However, the tatami floor is no city. Muzan smiled at his friend. There she was, the same as ten years ago. Time flies but the only things that change is the weather.



Before she could even say something the hand of the girls flew to his pale face. Muzan has forgotten how strong she is, they say that all good trios are made of an muscle idiot, an edgy handsome dude and a gorilla girl.

They are not wrong. Kibutsuji laughed.

"You're thinking something rude." She gripped the face of the man "Something about me being a gorilla, perhaps? Even after you dissapeared without saying anything to us, don't expect a painless death."

The crimson eyes of the man opened wide, this woman... can she read minds?

"He's not wrong tho." Niko said.

The rage changed the target and your father received a beating from head to toe. When Tamayo is angry no Niko style can save you from the fists, kicks and locks from her. When this happens it's better to run away.

After the rumbling. They sat around the table. Muzan said that he had something important to tell them. It made Tamayo's heart beat like a wardrum in the deep of a long-forgotten mine.

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