Hell Train Part 1

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The school trip to Kyoto was planned to be the biggest event of the Butterfly academy. Kanae Kocho was bold enough to have all the three grades to go the same days. It was really a big move since every single student and teacher will take part of it.

Three hundred students were waiting for the train to arrive; you could hear the uproar of the teacher trying to keep the grades together, but it was futile, now it was a mix of different students on each group. Third years were excited about the trip since it will be the last and they can do precious memories together. Second years, on the other hand were not that hyped; it was the second year in a row going to Kyoto after all. For the ones in first year it was a new experience so the excitement could match the one of their senpais.

You yawned, even though it's just Friday morning and you feel sluggish for some reason. Maybe it was the fact that you had more sleep hours, since today you skipped training to get to the train station on time. Every body need activation time and exercise.

But well, that was no problem. As soon as you spotted your friends, a boar masked boy launched into his usual rush. You didn't want to cause a ruckus in the station, so with the usual move he ended upside down. He was wearing a weird boar mask, but you decided to ignore it.

"Good morning, everyone." You greeted.

Kanao, Aoi, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Nezuko greeted back, the last went straight to your side with a bright smile and her usual high spirits.

The clock was close to the number nine, your train should be arriving half an hour later. Office workers, college students and civil workers walked around, getting in and out of the station, boarding trains and drinking a tasteless coffee from the convenience store, other with more luck were tasting a convenience store bento box. A normal morning on Tokyo station.

"Hey, Ronin-san, I have a question." Aoi called out.

Everyone fixated their eyes on her. It was rare that she called out.

She pressed her lips together since that was a bit unexpected. After gulping and letting out her breath she asked her question to you.

"How do you do that? I mean the redirection thing..."

Bullseye. All your friends looked back at you, it was a good question, indeed. For them the Redirection Kata is like magic, capable of bending the flow of energy to your will. It's not something you see everyday but it's something everyone can do if they know the basics.

"It's hard to explain, but I can show you." You explained "For starters, you need a good kinetic vision, but that aside it's something everyone can do. Let me show you, Inosuke punch me."

"Righ away!" He didn't need to be told twice, his fist was a straight one to your face.

The next move was smooth, your palm followed his movement and with little to no effort you redirected it upwards.

Everyone fell to silence. But, it became clear to them.

"You got it? If I have to put an example is..." with your hand in your chin you gave a thought to it "A hill. If a car is traveling in a straight road and then a hill is coming it will began to go upwards little by little. It's the same principle, what if it was a hook? Simple, I will create a 'curve' so the flow of energy change and the fist continued it's way like a car in a curves zone."

All of them nodded their heads, it was becoming clear.

"What about the other move? That whopping swallow!?" Inosuke pointed at you, taking the chance to demonstrate your Redirection Kata you trapped his wrist.

"You're clever, Inosuke-senpai. At least for martial arts." You pulled his wrist to the right and the other side, his torso followed your moves "With these I'm changing your flow of energy as I please, but what if I move half of your body to the right and I apply a different energy to your legs who are not moving?"

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