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The clock was the only thing that emitted noise in the room.

Sitting in the lonely chair at the middle of the office, (YN) felt his sweaty palms. Being in front of the headmaster of the Butterfly academy was no joke.

Behind the desk, a beauty was looking at him.

Kanae Kocho has a slender build and is taller than the other girls. Her pale skin remarked her slim red lips. A waterfall of dark gray hair reached her waists while two shorter clumps fell over her shoulders. A piercing gaze came from her pale violet eyes, even with her calm expression the strong and suppressive aura leaked from her.

Her younger sister, Shinobu Kocho stood beside her. Silent and patient.

"(YN-Kun)." The oldest of the Butterfly sisters called. "Do you know why I summoned you today?"

"Uhhh... to give me a reward, I deserve it."

"Fufufu." Even her laugh was graceful. "You're such a klutz."

Such an easygoing girl. Always seen with that gentle smile on her face. Loved by every student in the school.

"But no, (YN-kun) it's not to reward you." Tilting her head to the side, her gentle eyes studied you. "It's about those rumors going around. I'll be pretty straightforward. Are they true?"

A sudden interest hangs in the air. Two pair of eyes over you, like a hawk and an eagle eyeing their prey.

You feel yourself getting smaller and smaller over the gazes of the Kocho sisters.

"To be honest, I don't know what are you talking about. I haven't hear them myself." You replied.

"Really? They guy who effortlessly defeated the thugs in the alley, no a more accurate one will be, the guy who slaughtered some thugs in an alley while enjoying himself."

Shinobu fired without remorse. Those lines hit you fair and square. Now you're no better than a school delinquent and described as a psychopath, enjoying the bloodbath and hitting people.

"It's not like that. They were harassing some guys from the school, I couldn't stand out when they tried to grope the girls."

You didn't know if the expression of the young director was satisfaction or relief. Shinobu was a different story, an inquisitive look came from her, refusing to believe your word.

"The version of those girls are the same as the one from him. There's no proof otherwise." Kanae calmly said.

"But Nee-chan..."

"No buts."

Huffing and puffing the student council president left the room with steamy ears and killer eyes.

When the door slammed, only headmistress Kanae and (YN) remained.

"Ara, ara~. You're already at odds with Shinobu-chan, and here I thought you were a good guy. Fufufu." She didn't lose a chance to piss you. "Don't mind her, she's just concerned about your friendship with Kanao."

"What's that?"

"Nothing at all, you should go back to class." With a growl, the messy haired boy jumped from the chair and made his way to the door. "Oh, I almost forgot. Remember to eat something, (YN-kun). I called you here even when you were on lunch time."

"Yeah, yeah. I was on my way to get a drink but this Inosuke guy tried to pick a fight with me."

Her violet eyes became fixed on you when she heard this.

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