Muzan Part 4

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"Hey Nezuko." You called.

Her pink eyes opened to the call. Sun rising and a gentle brezze stroking her face. Where was she? A meadow so green that reached until the eye can see.

"Are you finally awake?" Her breath was taken back for some seconds.

You were there, standing under the shade of a lone tree. She didn't remember you like that. Now you stood a couple inches taller, and your athletic body got even more ripped that the clothes barely fit.

"(YN-Kun)?" She asked.

"Uh? No dear, honey or hubby?" You tilted your head "Are you mad at me?"

Nezuke felt her head pounding like a wardrum. Where is this? What happened to Muzan? To everyone?

"Are you ok?" His face was closer than ever. The same (YN) she knows woth more mature features. Maybe on his late twenties.

"I-I... don't know, we were not here. I mean, where is everyone?" Her head began to pain like she have never felt before "What happened to Muzan?"

At the mention of the name, your face turned grim. It was not a word he like to remember.

"Don't you remember?" His voice was low tone "We—"


Nezuko jumped awake. Was it all a dream? No stunning meadows were at sight. It was an office? Wasn't she supposed to be on the undergoing labyrinth?

"N-Nezuko... I'm glad you are ok..." a feint voice came from her left.

Her opened like a plate when her brain processed the image in front of her: leaning against the wall, Tamayo (LN) tried her best to stay composed while holding her side. A stain of fresh blood extended on her clothes and the liquid dripped from the wound.

"Tamayo-san!" Shs hurried to her side, it was a stab from a knife. It hasn't been removed since it is quite deep and the blood lose would be fatal "What happened?"

"Muzan's courtesy." She pained even from speaking "It looks worse than what it really is..."

"Can I help with something, please just tell me and I—"


The clash of your body against the wooden table attracted the attention of the two women. You were no pushover and when it comes to strength and weight, you could rival whoever it is in front. And yet, Muzan Kibutsuji managed to wrestle you and throw your body against the now cracked table.

"Goddamn. I think my ass is splintered." Recovering from the blow was just the first thing thing do.

Muzan didn't want to lose momentum. If he decreases the intensity of his attacks, it will be a game over. The blows came from everywhere, right, left, up, down. He even tried to take advantage of blindspots.

"That is your version of the Water Kata?" You blocked the blows and backed down "It's good but..."

"Flame Kata: Phantom Pace." Muzan fist could reach you, an after image of yourself was left behind like smoke only to vanish when he hit it.

What came next was a full all out battle on the ground. With a scrupulous knockdown, the advantage turned around. Now Muzan was facing an aggressive ground and pound offensive from you.

The strikes didn't awaited for the pale man to be ready. They came flying from everywhere. Muzan didn't knew that even on the ground you could hold that advantage.

However, it is not that he does not know his way of fighting over there. Soon his guard changed. A rubber guard, more comfortable to defend and he can push you aside with enough strength on his legs. Not only that, he can put you on a lock if the situation comes.

One of a kind (Nezuko x Male Reader.)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ