Muzan Part 1

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Tamayo ran through the gloom of the tunnels. Haste has to be made since you were left behind.

"Leave this to me." You said before she had to made her way to Muzan.

Her mind began to play trick on Tamayo's mind. What if you lose? What if that Sicario  is too strong? Will she lost the only family —and son— she has?

As the darkness became thicker and the sound of fighting began to fade into a whisper in the penumbra, Tamayo realized that the tunnels were no more. Instead a single door was the only obstacle remaining. A simple, red door. It was made from the best oak wood and the color did not fade, opposite from that it seems to attract all the eyes.

"Is it in here?" She asked as if someone will give her an answer in that deep forgotten place, maybe a phantom or a ghost will talk to her.

Her hand reached for the doorknob, for a moment her heart began to throb like a wardrum. She found herself unable to turn it. Maybe it was glued? No. It was her own fear of facing against Muzan.

Tamayo never got face to face with him after what happened. She never got to even acknowledge the reason why Muzan, her childhood friend, her first love. Why he killed all her family?

And now. The story repeat itself. Nezuko has the key to success, (YN) fighting for her. And what about her? Will she stand at a side again while the one she loves fight against that demon?

"What are you waiting for?" A voice came from the other side of the door "I was waiting for you, Tamayo."

A chill ran down through her spine. The tone of those words. It only reflected a fear deep engraved on her heart. Gathering all the courage she could find, with a turn of the knob, the door opened.

A pair of crimson red eyes greeted her. His pale skins haven't change at all. That pair of pearl white fangs peeked from his smile. Muzan Kibutsuji looked the same as the day he killed Niko.

"Long time no see, Tamayo."

The room was no more than two bedrooms long. It had a gray color over the walls. Two lamps of cold white light baths the rooms. Muzan stood at the center, an impecable black suit that made his eyes glow.

She got the image of a Demon Lord when looking at her old friend.

At his feet, two young girls were knocked out. One of them badly injured. And the other one only fainted.

Those two are the ones Tamayo and (YN) objectives. So close yet so far. She could extend d her hand and reach the two girls. However, Muzan made the role of a wall and decided to get in her way.

For once she felt rage and hate rushing through her veins. It is time for her to let it all out.


Akaza flinched back, his legs felt heavy and his arm trembled. What in the nine worlds just happened? Just a moment ago the fight was in equilibrium. Both of them exchanged blows, however, he began to fall back after each hit.

Something changed all of sudden. The tide shifted to the favor of his opponent.

A punch connected to his gut, it felt like her innards shifted places after that shock. One roundhouse kick came from the right and followed the combination of attacks.

"What's wrong?" You mocked while striking over and over again.

That's what Akaza questioned herself. What is wrong?

They clashed again and after receiven another Re Taekwondo kick, the Upper Moon three was sent back to the ground.

Akaza gritted his teeth. How can he, the strongest martial user be losing to such a kid? This means that (YN) not only reached the Apex but went far beyond the point where Akaza could see?

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