Which is the best?

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"This is for the best, (YN-kun)"

A single tear rolled down Nezuko's face. She couldn't muster the courage to see you to the eyes.

Blood, sweat and tears of disappointment mixed as you tried to catch a breath. Your body was at it's limit, even trying to get up is futile; every move you make is getting pierced by a thousand needles.

"Why? Nezuko, Why!?"

A kick to the gut sent you back, rolling in the ground and grasping for air. Landing —crashing— against empty wooden boxes and lifting a dust cloud, you grunted.

You never imagined that your life would end up in an old, abandoned warehouse at the Tokyo port.

"Shut up, bastard, didn't you heard? It's for the best." A macabre chuckle escaped from Akaza.

"Yare, yare. What a pitiful sight, it would be the best to put him out of his misery." An ash blonde man spoke while covering his mouth with a custom made bladed fan.

"Then, I shall take his life." A katana was unsheathed and the strongest Sicario in Muzan ranks approached with the intention of slicing throats.

Even if you ordered every cell in your body to move, it didn't. No matter how many times you tried to perform a special Niko Style technique, it won't move anymore. Fighting against the Upper Moons all by yourself was draining and reckless, it was a miracle that you were breathing at this point.

Why? How?

As the Yakuza walked to you, this questions crossed your mind.

Let's turn back the clock one week.


Summer break came at a good timing.

You could at last take time for themselves. No school means sleeping till past noon and spending time lazying around. It was such a perfect time for Nezuko to hang around your house. She was there from dawn to dusk.

But, soon it became a battlefield.

Daki tried to fetch all the attention to her, Nezuko won't stand around while another woman steal her man. Oh no.

At first it was just a mild conflict. Who got their favorite food prepared or the first one who got their head patted.

But, now. You wondered how it got from there to this. Pinned down with two beautiful girls on top of you.

Spark flew from one way to other as their gazes clashed against each other. This was the final fight for the two of them. The next words leaving your lips could be the last.

"So? What is the best, (YN-kun)?" Asked both gals.

Your right hand and left hand were trapped in a discussion. What to say? Let's put the pros and cons of each one.

Right hand. Soft, good shape, squishy and bouncy. Oppai is life.

Left hand. Cute, closer to the heart, not squishy but more sensitive, somehow sexy. Flat is justice.


"It's obviously me, right?" Daki smiled while licking her lips.

"No! It's mine!" Nezuko huffed and puffed.

They locked up into another duel of glares. Such a hard decision fell upon you. Can you just say that both are good? I mean, when it comes to boobs, both are good, right?

"Who would like that flat chest of yours?" Daki taunted "What boys want is volume."

"Haaaa? Who would like this lumps of fat!?" Your girlfriend fired back with venomous tongue "Small breast look better."

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