Hell Train Part 3

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Fists clashed and both of them retreated.

The hulky guy was not just barking. He was capable enough to handle your boxing style. His body is like iron and his fist power is no pushover either. One good hit from him and you can expect to kiss the ground.

"You're not half bad, brat. If the boss see you, he would like to have a fight with you."

"Well, I'm just THAT good." You smirked before launching another offensive.

Left straight, right hook, step back, feint and front kick. Each of them blocked by Ichiro, but, he had an opening. Swinging your full weight into the next punch, you aimed for the core of this guy. A full impact and he flinched but retreated not. It was then that you realized your mistake. This was supposed to happen. His body is like stone, rooted to the ground no matter what kind of force clash with him.

That was your first mistake.

A counter came quickly and now all his weight hit you like a truck. For fuck sake, he outclasses you when it comes to raw power. The impact to your side was strong enough to made you retreat, but the momentum was with him. Rushing into a rampage, he began to push you back, more and more, his moves followed no rules nor style just random violent blows. His power was good enough to make your guard up and a numb feeling began to crept all over it.

"Come on, fight back you bit—"

A high knee to his face shot his head up, blood splurged from the nose —probably broken by the hit— his trunk was fully exposed and you didn't passed on this. The next combo was enough to beat a normal man, but yeah, he was nothing like that. A full blow to the abdomen followed by a full course of punches to the face and to finish another front kick straight to his face.

"Ahhh, I really felt that." The hulky man said as he spat some blood into the train's floor "But, you won't even faze me with those weak fists of yours."

Again he stormed at you with his wild frenzy of attacks, like a ragin bear trying to get a hold on his prey. His aim was off and you could not resist the big opening to counter. Soon more than dozen of hits connected all around his vitals, but he retreated not, instead he was more and more into the fight. Smiling like a psycho and not even flinching whenever he was hit.

Even though the tide of the battle was in your favor, he didn't back off. It was scary, just how much pain can he endure?

"Tch. Just stop!" A wide and powerful blow pushed Ichiro back.

Blood gushing from his mouth, he stopped for a second to launch a fierce gaze to you. He studied you for a moment and discovered that no real damage has been done to you at all. It was a one-sided battle since the beginning.

He sighed.

"Man, I was really enjoying this. But, this will finish shortly."

Curiosity got the best of you. Is he an idiot? It's clear who have the advantage of this battle and yet he's spitting nonsense.

"You look surprised over there!" The hulk mocked as he did some warmup exercises. Isn't a little late for that?

"Well, yes, you're clearly losing and you claim that you will be the winner. Aren't you receiving an ass-whopping from me?"

"Hehe. You can't be a good fighter if you reveal all your hand at once, kiddo."

You grunted at his response, he was right. You have used only boxing and mixed martial arts moves. You wanted the Niko style to remain hidden for as much time as you can afford. He's more than just a muscle head, he can actually think and plan his battles; you felt like an idiot about this since you just rushed to battle for the sake of Nezuko.

One of a kind (Nezuko x Male Reader.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora