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Nezuko felt like she was hit by an iron tire. The splitting pain was nothing she ever felt. A new disgusting sensation that you only want to experience once in your life.

The drugs began to lose effect and consciousness came back to her. A damp, glommy and unhealthy tunnel came to her sight. Wasn't she tied to a chair?

"Where am I?" Her eyes looked around.

"You're finally awake?" Akaza asked, his tone felt a little breathless.

When the Sakura eyes of the petite girl got used to the gloom, she saw him.

A man covered in tattoos and blood. His pink hair glowed in the dark. Traces of a fight were left behind, he didn't left unscathed at all. Even though he held the upper hand at every second of the clash, Daki proved to be a worthy opponent.

However. She won't even beat him.

Nezuko opened her eyes as wide as plates when she saw the picture in front of her. Akaza held Daki from the neck. The Silver haired girl didn't touch the ground at all.

"D-Daki..." the voice of the girl trembled as she observed the state of her friend.

Bruises and blood covering her face, dirt all around her clothes. It was like she was attacked by a tiger.

"Go, N-Nezuko!" Daki heckled while struggling to get off the grip of the attacker.

It was futile. He won't let go that easy. After all, Akaza can rip off her throat with his bear hand if he wants.

"Ah, no, no, no, no. That won't do, Daki-chan." Akaza shook his head "You're giving me a headache!"

Next thing Daki knew a fist stroke her right at the center of her abdomen. The blow shook her innards. It wasn't over with a single punch whatsoever, Upper Moon two slammed her against the ground. The sound of her skull clashing against concrete created a loud bang that resonated on the dark tunnels.

For a second Nezuko feared the worst. Her friend didn't move at all. For a moment she thought that Daki's breathing stopped.

"Do not worry, she's alive for now, that's it." Akaza pushed his feet against the head of the girl "Muzan-sama wants to finish her off with his own hands."

Nezuko gulped as the man began to walk to her way. Accepting their deal wasn't the right choice after all.

How much she wanted to be with (YN), wrapped in his arms. Hearing his heart pumping and his breathing as he sleep. Those nights when both of them will love each other until falling prey of tiredness.

However. There is no escape from this nightmare.

She took a deep breath, a last resource, if she waits more it will be no more chances.



"Keuk!" The Upper Moon Six fell to the ground again. How many times has been by now? Seven?

"What's wrong?" You stood in front of him, arms crossed and staring down at this joke of a gangster "Weren't you going to kill me?"

Kaigaku began to sweat and pat as he felt the weight of his actions going all out against him. At first he came as confident as he could. He was picked by Muzan-sama amongst all the thugs.

He is special. He is strong. He is an Upper Moon.

Then why? Why is a kid stronger? Why can't he even put a scratch on you?

As he rocketed himself into another attack the katana on his hand cut the air with a sizzling and the forged steel went straight to your neck.

Again it happened In the blink of the eye. Kaigaku was slammed against the ground again. You never moved from the spot, standing tall like the trunk of a tree, immovable and strong.

One of a kind (Nezuko x Male Reader.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon