Muzan Part 2

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"Hey, Muzan." Tamayo called.

The red eyed man looked at her. For a second all the air on his breath was lost at the simple sight of the young gal.

Dazzled by the magnificent sight of Tamayo. She didn't like the heavy makeup, only lipstick was enough for her. And God helps him to hide the embarrassed face of his.

Is she a Goddess of beauty? Maybe Tamayo is the avatar of one.

"What is it?"

"Have you decided on your college?" She asked.

"Not yet, there are various options for me." Muzan continued his scribbles on the notebook, new theories he can test to complete his drug "I even have an offer from an overseas university."

"I see..." the girl's lips turned upside-down when she heard this.

Why? Muzan asked himself. Why is she so interested? Why is she always with him? Why does someone like Tamayo, a model student, beauty of the school be with someone like him?

"Let me know when you decided." Tamayo ended the conversation with that.

If a chance for them to be together comes up, then she will take it. No matter what.

Fate is cruel whatsoever. Muzan decided to dissapear from her life for years and years. Tamayo always cursed the day she let him go away. If only someone had been by his side, then...

Everything would be different.


"Stop this nonsense, Muzan." Tamayo growled at the man.

The drug lord smiled at the remarks of his old friend. What can she understand? Nothing, she and Niko didn't got what he wanted. Muzan is devoted to a single goal, all his life, all his goddamn life he has been pursuing this moment.

Now, Kamado Nezuko is in front of him. After a these years, after all his efforts and research. The freedom to his curse is just one step away. And yet, this woman here, who dares to call herself her friend, is trying to... stop it all.

"Tamayo, why are you trying to stop me now?" The demon shook his head "Didn't you supported me?"

"I will not accept this, how can you hurt little girl like this?" Tamayo gritted her teeth "How much will she suffer? Are you even aware what she has gone through her life?"

Muzan began to laugh while covering her face with one hand. All the chattering about Kamado Nezuko, all this rumbling for a single highschooler. Why is she so important? The sacrifice of one for the greater good. Once Muzan discovers the cure, then it will be all over. No one will ever talk about this anymore.

"Suffering? What does a girl like her knows about that?" Baring his fangs like a beast and with big stomps, Muzan Kibutsuji closed the distance between the two of them.

Face to face, they've been like that hundred of times since their childhood. For a second they just glared at each other, though memories from their past began to invade their minds.

A what if came to Tamayo. By her age now, if Muzan had never left, the two of them would be married and even a child born. She or he would be the little cousin of (YN). Will he be happy?

Deep inside her heart a little flame remained. A single beacon of light who whispered that even in the darkness of his greed, Kibutsuji Muzan was still a good man. Maybe she can talk to him and end this madness.

"Muzan." Tamayo tried to close the distance between she and the demon flinched back "Let's go back, just drop that stupid idea and come with me."

"Go where?" Muzan grunted "I am an outlaw. The police is raiding my hideout and they won't hesitate to shoot me at sight. There is no way back from this. I feel stranded at sea."

"There is always a lighthouse, I will be your light." With slow moves, she took Muzan's hand. A chill ran through her spine at the single touch of the pale hand of her friend. The last time she ever came this close to him was so distant that his hand felt alien "Come back with me, let's find a way out of this sad story. We can still live a normal live."

Time froze for a second. Tamayo and Muzan felt their hearts beating with abnormal synchronization. Something blooms inside of Muzan heart. Yes, maybe she is right. They can go back and have a normal life with (YN).

"As if."


Tamayo didn't felt the stinging pain nor the blood gushing from the wound. What she could only see and felt was the blood red eyes from her first love.

Void. There was nothing inside that crimson window to the soul. Only blackness and emptiness. What an idiot, it has been long since Muzan Kibutsuji sold his soul to the devil. His one and only wish will always be to find the cure for his sickness.

"Don't come and give me that bullshit about family and love." He criticized with disgusted face "I have stained my hands with so much blood that there is no way back."

Tamayo fell to her knees. A knife on her abdomen and blood running down. Muzan really stabbed her. He really is a demon.

"I killed Niko, my best friend. I killed the Kamado family when his father declined my offer to buy this girl." Muzan mocked "Do you think that I cannot kill you?"

He approached Tamayo, getting to her height and grabbing her face with those frozen hands of his. It felt like the Grimm reaper itself grasping her cheeks with a deathly grip.

"I am a demon, a hollow monster that will hesitate not for the sake of my goal!"

He smirked and with a laugh he pushed the knife deeper into the guts of the woman.

"Then that would make it easier."

A knee came directly to his face. Blood came gushing out from Muzan's nose. It was broken for sure. Not even a chance to react came before a fist to the gut made him stagger and an uppercut sent him back.

What just happened? He wondered as the dizziness took over his head. It felt like being struck with an iron bar.

They felt like Niko (LN) strikes: Heavy, refined and remorseless.

What just happened?


Giyu Tomioka put all his strength into the block. Dealing with a strike from Douma proved to be more of a challenge than he expected.

"My, my~" the Upper Moon two pushed back with more strength backing his attacks "I didn't expect you to endure this much."

Indeed, the fight has been going on for longer than he planned at the start. The water pillar proved to be a challenge himself.

"Shut up!" Giyu countered with his katana, Iguro was knocked out long ago and only he remained between Douma and Nezuko.

"Just let me pass." The rainbow eyed man smirked "I just want to dissect that little Kamado girl."

Puppy like eyes appeared on Douma's face. Almost like am innocent child playing with ants. He didn't knew what it meat to kill someone, it was just an everyday thing to do. To him, killing is as normal as brushing his teeth or eating breakfast.

"Never! She has suffered much qt that young age." With both hands, Tomioka Giyu began to recover his ground, pushing back the Sicario "I will protect her like she is my little sister."

So sweet, so moving... so disgusting. Douma felt himself in a sickening feeling inside his gut. How he felt noxious about that familiarity. Why do you need that?

"Don'take me laugh!" The duel ended up when Douma pushed Giyu with fierce rage "That bullshit is worthless in here. Are you even thinking about your family when killing all these people?"

Giyu took a deep breath. What is this monster talking about?

"Let me tell you something." Douma flipped his blade fangs around "Muzan-sama didn't care about anything at all when it comes to his illness. That curse to the sun. He even killed her parents."

"He what?" Giyu flinched from the statement.

"Let me tell you a story, Water pillar. The story of a man and his never ending greed for beating the sun itself."

One of a kind (Nezuko x Male Reader.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن