Why us?

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"These are my chips you fuck."

The brawl began as the two gangsters fought over some pathetic thousand yen. Well, they don't get a lot of money for their work, they are just sentinels at this wrecked place. An old drugstore that is only a facade for the real deal.

Why, you ask? Because Muzan-sama wanted it this way. His orders are absolute on this place. At least that you want to end up at the dephts of the ocean with wire all around your body.

In this place they do not sell any kind of medicine. Just a drug: Demon Blood.

The latest invention of a chemistry genius like Kibutsuji Muzan, he was second only to Tamayo when it comes to the creation of mixes that will evolve in a medicine or a drug. It depends in what use you give to it.

Anyway. The two thugs were the one in guard tonight of all nights, call it fate or bad luck. Day has been slow and nighttime will be no exception, it's a weekday and not even the junkies come out of their rat-holes. They have to kill time and playing cards is the best way to do it.

Nonetheless if you are distracted by the game. It will be impossible to see it coming. When both the gangsters heard the chime of the front door bell, it was too late.

Tomioka Giyu and Obanai Iguro rushed and took the out. The first strike was a success. At least two dozen of agents began to swarm the building, those numbers are nearly enough to raid their way to the hideout.

Where? The only place where sunlight won't reach at all.


The team made it's way to the basement. As Daki said the iron door is there.

'Beware, once you enter there, it will be like navigating a maze.'

Those words resonated on Giyu's mind. A warning popped into his mind, hi hands began to sweat and his lips become dry, even if he wanted to say something there will be no word coming out.

He looked behind. All the Hashira were ready with their uniform and Swords in hand. It is time to end all of Muzan Kibutsuji death parade.

"Let's go!"


The clock became a torture device. Every time it ticked, chills ran through your spine. Sitting here doing nothing is not good for mental health, since they came and almost cuffed you to your bed.

It will be the best to trust them. You brain said.

Can they? Your heart strikes fear.

It is near ten o'clock. The hospital is deserted at this time, only nurses and doctors will roam around the building checking for their patients. Only night shift employees and security guard will come to their usual rounds.

Daki went back home. She said that there is something she Must do. Well, whatever, she can do whatever she wants. Japan is a free country.

Now you're alone with your thoughts. That is the worst. Images of perversion invaded you. What are they doing to Nezuko? Some kind of depravity? Is she suffering? A thousand of scenarios ran through your mind.

"How are you feeling?"

Tamayo entered the room carrying a bento box and a bottle of tea. Since her work is over, she can visit her beloved son and even feed him.

"I made it myself, so dig in." The food is simple, rice, beef and steamed vegetables.

As you took the first bites, the nostalgia of the first meals Tamayo prepared for you kicked in. It is actually good, compared to when she just begun to cook. There is no salty food, burnt meat or sticky rice. She has also learnt how to raise a kid by herself.

One of a kind (Nezuko x Male Reader.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora