One Shot for Victoria

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A/N: This is for vic2002.

Character: Castiel

Plot: You're taken by Crowley while Sam and Dean, your brothers, are on a hunt. Nobody can get to you, but Cas ends up finding you and healing you.

Another A/N: My writing had been really sucky lately, so I hope you like it!! :)


Crowley had just left to go get a cup of "fine Scotch" or whatever, after holding you hostage in one of his cells. Of course, after having a little fun with you.

You were bruised and bloody and weak, and you didn't even feel strong enough to open your eyes. You didn't have the energy.

"Victoria?" you heard. You tried really hard to open your eyes, which didn't last long. It was Castiel.

Your brothers, the Winchesters, were on a hunt for some Wendigo (you didn't really pay attention when they told you what they were up to). So you had nobody to come and save you when you were taken by Crowley.

"Cas," you whispered with a dry throat. He 'zapped' himself in the cell to take a closer look at you.

You couldn't see, but you could feel the sympathy in his voice when he asked, "Victoria, what has happened?" You tilted your head up, slitting your eyes open to look at him.

"Oh, geez, I dunno. I thought this was a five-star resort," you said sarcastically. Your sarcasm always had bad timing.

Castiel didn't understand you were being sarcastic, so he said in return, "Well, this most definitely is not a resort."

"Just get me outta here," you said as you tried to sit up and face him.

He curled one arm around your back and one infer your knees, so he was carrying you bridal-style. You had to admit, this was pretty dreamy. Even if you were in too much pain to enjoy it.

He 'zapped' you and him back to the motel you were currently staying at. He laid you on the motel bed with a slight thump.

You grunted in frustration and he apologized. "I am sorry, Victoria. I should be more careful."

He hovered his hand over you, slowly healing your wounds. You felt cuts and bruises feel like nothing but little numb spots on your body. "Thanks, man," you said sweetly.

"It is quite alright," he said before standing up so he can 'zap' out of there. You held out a hand to him. "Cas, wait."

He instantly turned towards you. "Yes, Victoria?" he asked with those baby blue sapphire eyes.

You patted the spot next to you on the bed. "Will you stay with me?" you asked pleadingly.

He smiled a genuine smile. "Of course I will," he said gently before awkwardly climbing in the bed. He pulled you toward his chest, allowing you to cuddle against him.

You stretched put your legs. "I don't know what time it is, but I do know that it is certainly nap time," you said before burying your face in his chest and closing your eyes.

He held you whilst you slept, silently admiring you and your perfection.

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