Your Secret Talent He Didn't Know He Had

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You could play the electric guitar. This astounded him. He made you play "Carry On My Wayward Son" repeatedly.


You were a hijacker. This was useful to him during research for monsters. In fact, you could even hack into the FBI's database for information.


You could draw. He was fascinated with the fact that you could so accurately portray his wings on paper.


You could sing. When he found out, he made you sing every second you could. He would make you sing your favorite songs to him constantly.


You could bake sweets. He would get you to make him loads and loads of cupcakes and such sweets. You two would bond deeply over a tray of cupcakes.


You could lie your way in or out of any situation. This worried him a little, since lying was a bad thing, but he grew to enjoy watching you persuade your way out of a problem.

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