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Ha ha sorry not sorry for the April Fools joke. But here's a REAL preference.

BY THE WAY, PDA means "Public Displays of Affection", for those who don't know what it means.


Dean - He loves PDA. He loves having his hands on you at all times. Whether it's a hand hold or a make out session.

Sam - He's not peachy keen on public affection, but he'll give you a kiss if you want.

Castiel - He has difficulty understanding the terms of "public affection", so he doesn't mind if you wanna hug him in front of everyone.

Adam - You know he'd have his hands on you. Whether it's hugging, making out, or just wrapping an arm around your waist, he'll always want to hold you.

Gabriel - Loves it, obviously. He will constantly have his hands on you. He'll prove you're his to anyone who'd dare to look at you flirtatiously, and he'd definitely be willing to put his hands on your ass. We all know that.

Samandriel - He's not fond of it. He's a shy lil cutie, so he's not one for public affection. But at home, he's the most loving thing in the universe.

Lucifer - He'll prove that your his with a little touchy touchy. He'll wrap his arm around your waist and pull you closer, as if to warn off everyone else because your his and only his.

Gadreel/Ezekiel - Little cheek kisses here and there, but that's pretty much it. He has to keep his "macho angel" look, so he'll wait until you're home to actually show some... affection ;)

Kevin Tran - He's not very affectionate in public. He'll hold your hand under the table, or play footsie with you. You guys'll make that eye contact that's like your mentally undressing each other. But he'll mostly be a pretty plain person in public, even though he could NEVER be "plain" to you.

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