• Adam/Samandriel Imagine •

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This was requested by Crazy_Fangirl_Abs.

Prompt: You can't decide who you love more, Samandriel or Adam.


You and Adam were close friends. But he wanted to be more. You knew this, but you also knew you had feelings for Samandriel, the angel.

You and Adam were in the bunker, polishing your weapons so you'd be ready to go on a hunt.

Then, out of the blue, Samandriel pops up, holding a bouquet of roses. He had a warm smile plastered on his face and the teensiest bit of sweat behind his ears. He nervously asked you, on one knee, "Y/N, will you go on a date with me?"

You blushed and looked back at Adam for a split second. A look of pure jealousy took over his expression, but it passed as soon as it came. He, silently huffing, left the room quickly.

You looked back at Samandriel, a sympathetic smile spreading across your face. With your heart in your hands and your hands cupping his sweet, sweet face, you said softly, "Samandriel, I would be honored."

He smiled that goofy grin of his and replied with, "Thank you, Y/N. You make me so very happy."

He stood up, smile stuck on his face, and said quickly before flashing out, "Thank you. And, as a friend right now, I believe you should go speak with Adam Winchester. He seems distressed for some reason... Okay, goodbye, Y/N."

(A/N: Did you know the term "Goodbye" came from "God by", which means "God be with you". So, when Samandriel says "Goodbye", he's really saying, "God be with you". Cool, huh?!)

"Bye," you said dreamily.

Then you chased after Adam. And when you finally reached him in the hall, you punched him in the shoulder. "The hell was that for?"

He didn't meet eye contact. "Adam, look at me." He still didn't look at you. "Adam, look into my eyes, now!"

He hesitantly looked up. His expression read angry, but his eyes read hurt. You gripped his face with your hands harshly. "Adam, tell me what's wrong. Or I'll force it out."

He smirked, you thinking the same. As if you could beat up Adam. Hilarious. "Fine. I guess, uh... I wanted to ask you out. But, no. That frickin' angel got you first."

You laughed out loud. "Oh," you said when you realized he wasn't joking, "you're serious." He nodded.

You looked deeply into his eyes, tears threatening to spill. You see, that's the thing you hated about being the only girl in the bunker: You were always the emotional one. You said to him, "Adam. You're sweet, and nice, and you've got a good head on your shoulders."

He smiled before you continued, "But, I'm sorry. I want to go out with Samandriel. I do realize this'll become awkward in the near future, but, Adam, I REALLY wanna be your friend. I mean, you ARE my friend. Best friend. And that's something I just don't want to lose over a failed relationship."

(A/N: Guys, I know you said you still wanna be friends, but that's just cruel. It's like saying, "The dog died. But we can still keep it." It's just...weird.)

You noticed his face had turned a bit red, and little droplets fell from his eyes. You wiped away the tears with your long sleeve. "Don't cry now."

He laughed halfheartedly, straightening his posture in the process. He sniffed once before saying, "Okay, okay. I just... hope you two have fun. Oh, and use protection."

You, again, punched his shoulder. "Dude! That's not an okay thing to say, man! Ugh." He laughed, and you laughed with him.

Now, you had your angel and your friend. And that was just fine with you.


Crazy_Fangirl_Abs, I know you like Adam more, but my heart wouldn't let me write something where you don't end up with Samandriel.

Hope you liked it!! :)

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