How You Two Sleep Together

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He sleeps on his back while you snore away on your stomach. You two aren't really cuddling, but he does occasionally stroke your hair or rub your back. He also watches you sleep for a little bit, to make sure you're actually real and that you're not just waiting until he falls asleep so you can leave him.


You guys leave a little space between you, but you hold hands from across the bed. This assures him that he can sleep and you'll still be here when he wakes up.


He doesn't actually sleep with you, but he watches you sleep. Not in a creepy way. He watches over you, so in case you have a nightmare, he's ready to comfort you. Sometimes, you'll ask him to stay in bed with you. He does, and he holds you in his arms while you sleep soundly against his chest.


He cuddles with you. Your back is pressed to his chest. His arms are wrapped around your stomach, clutching you close to him. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and breathes in your scent. He would always remember your scent. You fiddle with his hands, rubbing little circles in them and whatever else. But you two are cuddled up to each other and loving it.


He doesn't sleep with you. You make him sleep, even though archangels don't sleep, on the couch. You do this because every time you let him in the bed, he tickles you senseless, which ticks you off. He misses you while just laying there on the sofa. But you don't feel bad. He should've know better than to tickle you.


He likes to know you're there to hold him. You two don't have a designated position, but you do hold each other in some sweet way every night. Because he wants to never let go of you, and because he honestly doesn't sleep, he'll just stay awake with you in his arms all night.

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