One Shot for Allie

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A/N: This is for @ZeroGround.

Character: Castiel

Plot: He finds out you're working for Crowley because he has your sister.


"Now, I'm going to ask you one more time," you spat out to the shaky, middle aged man, "Where is it?"

"I...I'm sorry, lady! I don't know where it is! I'm not lying, I swear!" He trembled while the knife you were holding to his throat loosened.

You backed off for a second, allowing the man to take a second to heave in a large breath. He thought he was safe. He stood up, and that's when you decided to give a surprise final blow.

He only had time to jump slightly when you whipped around, knife splayed out. It hit his throat, and left a large cut.

He knelt down on his knees, clutching his bleeding throat. "Why?" he gurgled while the blood ran like drool from his mouth.

After a second or two, he fell on his side, eyes blank and flesh cold. You shivered. You whispered to your sister, even though you knew she wouldn't be able to hear you, "I'm sorry."

"Allie, what are you doing here?"

You quickly turned around to see a distressed Castiel. He frowned and looked down at the dead man. "Allie, what is going on?"

You tried to keep a straight face. You tried using sarcasm to get out of an awkward conversation. "Well, that guy died."

"I can see that," he stated bluntly. He crouched down beside the man and examined his wound. "Did you have anything to do with this?"

"Well, no dip, Sherlock," you retorted, pulling a silk handkerchief out of your cardigan pocket. You wiped the blood of the innocent man off it, then simply tossing it away.

"Why would you do this, Allie?" He looked up into your eyes, worry and fear settling in his baby blue eyes. "Because," you said with a surprisingly bubbly tone, considering the situation, "I had to. I needed to take care of business, so mind your own."

"Allie, you must trust me and tell me what happened. I can help--"

"No! The last person who tried to help ended up giving away my little sister to Crowley!" you yelled.

He looked startled at this news. You turned away and tried to walk away, out of the dark alley.

He grabbed your forearm from behind and pulled you into an embrace. He felt warm and comforting. He rested his chin on your head. "It is going to be okay, Allie. We will find your sister. Crowley's tortuous, but he's not deadly. Sometimes."

"Oh, great. My sister's life depends on if Crowley's in the mood to play," you sarcastically muffled into his chest.

"She will be fine. You will be fine. So not worry, Allie. I promise we fill find her and keep her from Crowley." And with that, he pulled back so he could see your beautiful face.

He leaned down and kissed your lips softly, assuring his love for you. Sparks flew, and your heart melted.

A minute later, he pulled back. "Alright, let's go find Crowley," he said with a brave face.


Alrighty, so tell me what you think!! I hope you liked it!!

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