Another A/N

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I have to put requests on hold. They're getting backed up, due to my serious procrastination problem, and it's taking affect on my sleep and school.

I'm sorry. I just don't feel like I could apologize enough. Sorry.

And for those who have already asked, I'm working on it, I swear. It might take a little while though, so let's hope you got patience!!

Again, I am so terribly sorry.

Please don't hate me.

But in the meantime, you could answer the following questions...?


Favorite food?

Favorite actor?

Favorite sound?

Favorite Marvel movie (if you're in the fandom)?

How many of you guys watch Merlin?

How many of you guys watch shows from the beloved BBC?

How many of you understand that Tyler Johnston is mine and garithmatic's (because we officially call dibs)?

Favorite Superhero?

Favorite villain?

Favorite ice cream flavor?

Favorite candy?

Favorite TMR character (if you're in that fandom)?

Favorite animal?

Patronus animal (Harry Potter fandom)?

Favorite vegetable?

Favorite fruit?

Favorite random thing to Google?

Supernatural Preferences!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora