• Sam Imagine •

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A/N: This was requested by littlemissi081899.

Plot: They were best friends for a while but they get into a fight, and she tells him she loves him, but she still leaves. But they see each other years later and become friends again.


You truly tried to share your opinion. But Sam was too "rational" to believe a word you said. "Y/N, I understand you want to fight! Really! It's just, I just don't want you getting hurt. It's dangerous out there!"

You gave a sarcastic laugh. "Oh, no," you retorted with a buttload of sarcasm, "It's all lollipops and licorice! No danger whatsoever!"

"Y/N, I just don't want nh beet friend getting hurt!"

Best friend. Those words haunted you since you met Sam. You loved him, but you wouldn't dare admit it.

Until it accidentally slipped out.

"Yeah, well, I don't want the man I love to die! Not if I gave anything to say about it!"

He looked shocked to hear this. But before he could say anything, you were already out the door in a huff.

And then you were gone.


It had been years since you last saw Sam. You regretted leaving to this day. But you knew there was nothing to be done. The past is in the past.

You typed in the password to the computer, completely ignoring the person in front of you.

"Um...is that you, Y/N?"

You look up. Sam. It was him. In the flesh.

"Why... Why are you here?"

He looked at you. Oh, yeah, you though. You looked down at the computer in front of you.

You worked as a secretary at the deputy's office. It didn't pay much, but it was a job. And a job is a job.

"What do you want, sir?"

"I'm here to talk to the, uh, sheriff," he said like it was obvious. "Okay," you said in your most professional voice, "He's actually a bit busy right now."

You point to the chairs by the door. "You can wait here if you want."

He slowly walked over there and sat down. You had just now noticed he was wearing a suit.

He had gone to law school. But you didn't know he worked for the forces.

"Hey, Y/N?" he called out from the small waiting room. "Yes?" you answered formally.

"You wanna... catch up sometime?" He looked up at you, at your desk.

You smiled warmly. Catching up. Can't be that bad, right? you told yourself in your head.

"Alright," he said. You could hear the smile on his voice.

"Alright," you replied simply.

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