Destiel One Shot

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Destiel One Shot for caxxtiel.

Depressing Destiel one shot...


Dean sat at the bar, half drunk. He chugged down his beers with an attitude. He was frustrated. Castiel had just blown him off for some Heaven mumbo-jumbo. "Damn it, Cas," he said to himself, "Why'd you have to leave me?"

"I didn't purposely leave you, Dean."

Dean whipped his head around, giving him a head rush. Cas was standing there, staring at Dean with a bit of disappointment furrowing his brows. "You know I had business with Heaven," he simply stated.

He rolled his apple-green eyes and grunted in response. "Dean, it wasn't my fault."

"Yeah, well, it never is, Cas." He gulped down the remains of his current beer. "Dean, I think you've had enough."

Dean roughly retorted, "I'll stop when I wanna stop, Cas! It's not like you're gonna do a damn thing!"

Castiel looked around. He took a step closer and quietly said to Dean, "Dean, I think you're causing a scene. We need to speak in private if we are to continue this conversation."

"I'm fine sitting right here."

Cas gripped his forearm, which was still linked to his beer mug. He did that thing, in Dean's opinion, where he "poofs out" and lands somewhere else.

Now, they were standing alone in Dean's motel room. Dean became angry at Cas. He threw the beer mug. It hit an end table, near the motel bed, and splashed little bits of beer foam all over the wall. "Damn it, Cas!"

Castiel took a step back. "Dean, I just wanted to talk to you in a quiet place. I don't think yelling in a loud bar will get my point across."

"Maybe I don't want to hear your damn point," he huffed while slapping himself down on his bed with a groan. Cas quietly sat himself down on the edge of Dean's bed.

Dean was already half asleep when Castiel said, "Well, I'm sorry. I guess you need your rest."

Dean made a animalistic grunt that was supposed to be a "yes".

"Well, if you need your rest, I guess... I'll just... wait here, then. We can discuss this in the morning..."

Dean shoved himself over and patted the bed. "Sleep."

"But, Dean, I don't sleep."

"And I don't give a damn," Dean said. Castiel awkwardly laid himself down next to Dean's almost unconscious body. He pat Dean's back before Dean fell into a deep sleep.

He stayed with Dean for the rest of the night, whispering comforting things in his ear while he slept.


Sorry, I just couldn't end it sadly, even though the request was for a depressing one shot. Hope you still like it though!!! :D

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