One Shot for Sofia

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A/N: This is for @TheStoryBeginning.

Character: Castiel

Plot: He comes to your school and brings you lunch and kisses you in front of everyone. Then you figure out he ate the lunch because he's human, but he still had his outfit.



You sat at your special spot at your table (I don't know about you, but I have a special spot that I don't let people sit in, lol). You looked at your watch once again. He should be here.

Your knee bounces up and down out of anticipation. Castiel was going to come sit with you at lunch! At your school!

The doors opened, and he walked in, a brown paper bag in his hands labeled with your favorite fast food restaurant

"Cas!" You waved him over. He sat close to you in the seat next to you. You could tell he was uncomfortable in this "human environment".

You knew the thing that mad him more comfortable. Your lips.

You leaned in and gave him a big kiss on the lips, which loosened him right up. "I have missed you, Sofia."

"I missed you too, Cas."

You heard the aww from the other students around you guys. You shooed them away. But they watched as Castiel leaned over and whispered in your ear, "I apologize, Sofia, but I'm afraid I have to leave. It's Heaven business."

"It's alright, you little angel, you." He smiled and kissed your cheek before exiting the cafeteria.

You finally opened the bag. It was empty. It just hit you that Cas had eaten it. You replayed the memory of him sitting with you I'm your head, paying close attention to details.

He was rapidly moving. He was weary and tired-looking. He seemed a bit more... aware of the possible dangers around him.

Oh my god, you thought. Cas... You're human. He wouldn't be able to hear you, but you knew. And you hoped he had had a good meal and a satisfied tummy.

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